I dunno why, I've never been a fan of the AR platform. I fully realize how flexible it is and how much you can do with it, but for whatever reason I prefer the more "classic" M1/M14 look of the Mini-14, and am all-in on AKs.
As for
Grimracer, nuking it from orbit is the only way to be sure.
Some say the "mechanized" look of the AR is unappealing and I can see their point somewhat BUT it is definitely a tough platform to beat with what you can do with it. I will say my next "desire" in this realm will be a classic bolt action .308 set up to be extremely accurate at very long distances. Sadly blowing out my shoulder and the resulting surgical bills have pretty much put the kabash on that until next year unless I somehow miraculously fall face first into a pile of money.
I get that; the look is fine but I'm not a fan of the feel; I've fired several ARs, they feel "sproingy" to me. to me, though, the Mini-14 is patterned after one of the most significant battle rifles of this country's history, and the AK may be a piece of **** but you can bury it in mud, rinse it off, and go fighting. Maybe that last part makes me a commie lib terrorist, I don't care