The loop is, as I suspected appears to be the main drawback to the AMB system. It is also a very expensive system. It is not the only option I want to consider tho'.
The purpose of this post is to explore possible alternatives....
A submerged loop would be susceptible to retrieve boat propellors and I imagine it would be less effective than a loop in the air.
Other alternatives to the loop system have to be out there - what do other sports etc. use?
Some tracking systems use a compination of "collector stations" and calculate location by the time required for the signal to locate each collector and then plot the location mathematically. this happens in the millionth of a second type of timeframe but I think it would be too clumsy for 6 boats at speed.
Looking closely at what a transponder is - it is a device that is basically a receiver, and when it receives a signal to turn on it transmits it's own "signature" which is received by the timing equipment, then turns itself off. The AMB transponders have a self contained battery in them. Essentially we could do away with this by using our RX packs (they draw less current than a servo) and therefore reduce the weight. Everyone would have the same wieght penalty anyway - no big deal!
Range also appears to be a limitation to the AMB style transponder. I suspect this could be due to them running on only 1.3VDC. With 6 volts from our RX packs we have more voltage there at our disposal. Perhaps this could allow for a loop to be placed higher above the water. The transponders used in marathons / running are small enough to fit inside a running shoe with a foot in it and do not use a battery at all!
As you can see by Ron's post - the software side of it is within grasp. We just need to work out a method of collecting that data and the software does the rest. I know as a contest director that this sort of management would solve a lot of drama - plus you could look at your lap times etc on a print out for feedback on setup etc that would be more consistent than anyone could do with a stopwatch!
Enough of my ranting! More feedback please