the best thing to do would be to ask Cathie. She would have the answer on that one.
I know that NAMBA believes that any information or direct mailers available to Nitro boaters should be available to FE, Gas, Warship, and the pleasure boater. That is only fair and you reach out to all of the membership.
I am guessing, but I would think that reaching out to everyone (the effectiveness), and how easy that would be, outweighs the savings.
You made me think about Steve's comment thinking that the newsletter would be e-mailed to him rather than a notification that it was available on the NAMBA site.
Cathie informed me that it is amazing the number of e-mail addresses that come up not in service when she would inform people that the newsletter was uploaded. People change ISP's a lot, but informing her of the change just doesn't happen like it should. It's just one of those things.
Doug..... BINGO.......... You got it my friend!
Our district has an District FE Chairman. Jeff Vasquez. I know that Jeff has not been as active the past few years and FE doesnt have per say a district points series in our district (Jeff and I tried in the past), but he is available to people and the point man in our district. I have to also give credit to Mark (nitro boater) Grim who has been working with somebody (I dont know who) and setting up annual FE Time Trials at Legg Lake.
........a club directory??? The NAMBA web site will link any club to its directory. here is the link.
District 2 and 4 are ready if they go namba2.com, namba2.net, namba4.com, etc.
......or MMEU can go with the club web site link.
I maintain our District 19 web site.......... ask and you are on there. It's not a problem.
.....a regular article in the Propwash?? Anybody and everybody ..............you send it, it will get printed. Lipo batteries, district news, you name it. Oops, Terry D. did the Lipos. Thanks Terry.
I wrote an article on CDing the FE Nats in Los Angeles......... anybody remember that one?
I plan on writing one on my trip to the FE Nats. I am not a good writer, but Cathie will edit anything sent to her. I will be busy so somebody take photos.
Did I miss anything? Everybody still awake???
See ya
Al Waters
NAMBA Vice President
NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman