Electric power sport hydros


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Hi Guys,

How about taking the bickering somewhere else, Phil asked for hull ideas not arguing.

Phil, the easiest way I can think of to explain the power per size is this. The 27" boat with .21 power and the 34 inch with .45 power would be a rough nitro equivalent.

I'm with everyone else, start with a 26 1/2" boat. That should also cross over nicely to .12/.18 size nitro. ;)

Hi Guys,
How about taking the bickering somewhere else, Phil asked for hull ideas not arguing.

Phil, the easiest way I can think of to explain the power per size is this. The 27" boat with .21 power and the 34 inch with .45 power would be a rough nitro equivalent.

I'm with everyone else, start with a 26 1/2" boat. That should also cross over nicely to .12/.18 size nitro. ;)

Thanks for the input Sounds like there are the two basic size boats needed 26 7/8 33 7/8.

I already have a new 36 inch sport boat hull that can be electric power. It has a new deck and cowl design that tapes down nicely. Just want to get some testing done with the .45 nitro motor before doing a mold of it.

The power to make one of these go cost more I guess. is there a racing class for the 36 inch boats too?

Hi Guys,
How about taking the bickering somewhere else, Phil asked for hull ideas not arguing.

Phil, the easiest way I can think of to explain the power per size is this. The 27" boat with .21 power and the 34 inch with .45 power would be a rough nitro equivalent.

I'm with everyone else, start with a 26 1/2" boat. That should also cross over nicely to .12/.18 size nitro. ;)

Thanks for the input Sounds like there are the two basic size boats needed 26 7/8 33 7/8.

I already have a new 36 inch sport boat hull that can be electric power. It has a new deck and cowl design that tapes down nicely. Just want to get some testing done with the .45 nitro motor before doing a mold of it.

The power to make one of these go cost more I guess. is there a racing class for the 36 inch boats too?

Phil, your new 36" boat will work in the E3 (Q) class. E-3 Sport Hydro 35 to 40 inches.

Just an FYI,

John Fruge
How many are left in the DMWB? 3? 4?
Who are these "major" clubs now anyway?

Is it really the NAMBA Nats if they don't run by NAMBA rules? So much for every vote counts in NAMBA! Damn the Torpedoes, Full Steam Ahead! :unsure:
Dan, this year was tuff on DMWB and we lost many members including you. We feel like 2008 is going to be a growing year for our club. LA is getting on board and getting a club going as well. The future if FE looks bright to us in Sunny CA!

As far as the Namba Nats... Most classes that are offered will be run under the current (at that time) NAMBA rules!!!! So yes it will be a "Real Namba Nats"!

Also I agree with some others... let stop messing up Phil's thread with this off topic stuff.

Thanks for your input,

John Fruge

Madera, CA
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Hope you can clear up my questions Im sure it is not as hard as it appears. :blink:

I'd recommend that you get in touch with Brian Buaas (Raptor347) directly and talk to him about this... He knows what he's doing, knows how NAMBA and IMPBA works, and knows about what needs to be done to make a good FE Sport Hydro design... I think you know him... he ran one of your Sport 21s for awhile... If you need his contact info, just e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll get it to you... Or you could just PM him here...

That way, you'd get the straight answers you need without having to wade through all the other BS that seems to have found it's way into this thread...

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with...
I just thought Phil should know that the length rules are JUST a proposal... if that.
The context of "Proposal" is better defined as "A working proposal that works" as this new set of rules and new battery chemistry has led to a significant expansion in our club membership over the past year. So great to see new designs from established individuals (like Phil Thomas), ideas and enthusiasm emerge as result of the new rules.
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We have 20 active members and about 5 I would call non-racing members. They love race boats but not so much racing them. We've got the attention of some of the local hobby shops this year so who knows what will happen.

The Sport 20 ish sized boats seem pretty much right for 4s. I've struggled finding a 2S 7.4v boat I really like. I finally ended up scratch building one from plans. My 24" Viper ripps but it's a little twitchy at full boogy. On LiPo it's insane. In a heat with 5 or 6 boats I'll stuff it more often than not.

There is some opposition to the potential length restrictions but no where near the numbers that support the idea. IMPBA has every intention of running the restrictions for 08. They've been experimenting all summer (07).
OK IF I would get into building a sport hydro what would be a good size to race with? What racing is there in the midwest area?

There are some new rule proposals out there considering size. What will be the power and size hull that most will race?

Just let me know what you want to see built.

phil, a 33 3/4" version of you Sprot 21 hull with a FE frendly hatch would be awsome! That should fit the new Rule for the P / E2 class!

That is my take and I am sure there will be others that reply to this post!

BTW I am about to run the FE powered 1/8th Shovel I got from you!


John Fruge

Madera, CA
Phil, I ran a short test (2 laps) on the 1\8th scale FE shovel. It looks like its going to work great. I wil update some more when I have it.

This sounds excellent!

One thing to keep in mind. When we switched to lighter LiPo cells, many of our "older" hulls needed more weight up front.

Making sure we have access for motor AND cell installation at/near where the center of balance should be would be key.

This sounds excellent!

One thing to keep in mind. When we switched to lighter LiPo cells, many of our "older" hulls needed more weight up front.

Making sure we have access for motor AND cell installation at/near where the center of balance should be would be key.

OK Thanks, These newer boats i have done have a more open engine well so placement of batteries and motors will be easy to do.

From what I have seen...your latest sport 20 this year....it would offer a good platform for an FE.

I cannot recall the exact size though...it seemed to be somewhere between an E1 and E2 set up though.

You do make some very good stuff ( no duh!) and I am excited to see what you have in store.
Phil,From what I have seen...your latest sport 20 this year....it would offer a good platform for an FE.

I cannot recall the exact size though...it seemed to be somewhere between an E1 and E2 set up though.

You do make some very good stuff ( no duh!) and I am excited to see what you have in store.
THANKS ALAN, I have sold some of them for electric.

So the SuperSport21 is on the small size for E2 and bit big for E1?

The SSP21 hydro is 29 1/2" long and I have done a change to the boat nose to allow the cowl to be taped on easily.

here are some picture


So the SuperSport21 is on the small size for E2 and bit big for E1?

I don't think it's accurate to say it's "small" for E2... More accurately, it's not "at the limit" for E2

I think the Sport 21 sized boats are actually just fine for E2, and give people the option of NOT having to run a completely high-end power system to be competitive...

What people seem to lose site of sometimes is that if you run a BIGGER boat, you have to run BIGGER power to motivate it to the same speeds as a smaller boat with lesser power... A 30"-ish boat with a 1521 or even a 1515 sized Neu motor (15XX meaning 1.5" diameter... and XX15 or XX21 referring to the length... in this case, 2.7" and 3.3" respectively...) is capable of being VERY competitive in P-Sport/E2-Sport, and can race fine with a maxed out 33.9" boat... the later, however, would HAVE to run a 1521 or maybe even a 1527 sized motor to go...

That being said... it is going to be necessary to have the maxed out option, as any all-out racer is going to want to go this route... So a 26.999" and a 33.999" hull are going to be desired... And I think you are JUST the man to provide such hulls!! ;)
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We are looking at speeds in the 60mph range if not more for an E2 size hull. Not knowing how well your design is at those speeds led to my rash accesment. It could very well be the hull to beat in '08.

Can someone give Phil the approx weight of packs, motor and speedo? The more data to the designer the more it helps. I was thinking of the 4S2P 5000's and a neu with a Castle 240.