donation / raffle drive for Jerry Wyss


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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2008
hello all,,,as we know jerry has fallen very ill and its not looking good...his hep. c illness that he contracted back serving our country has come on full force...he is basicaly on his death bed with no memory of anything...

now i would like to start a donation drive for his wife and family as with jerry being self employed im sure the financial burden will be extremely heavy on them....

its with a heavy heart i ask anybody who can help.,,,please do...anything helps...his family will for sure appriciate this and i know jerry would...our payers are with them in this difficult time...

i will collect donations till the 1st of the month...any and all proceeds will go to jerrys wife and family in thier time of need...

please send the donations to me and i will send it all off when the collection ends..jerry really needs our help now,,great guy,,,great friend,,,would help anybody,,,please do the same for him..

my addy for snail mail

alden cost

16 clark hill rd.

east hampton, ct 06424

860 478 2237

paypal addy

[email protected]

evrything and anything helps,,please donate if you are able to..if not,,,please keep jerry and his family in your payers...

i thank anyone who can help..i also posted jerrys addy in his tribute thread so if you would like to send a card,,please do..

i thank you all,,,,Alden Cost

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list of people who donated;;;

rodney pierce

fred uftring

(myself) alden cost

don ferrette

john knight

kevin sheren

tim duggan

ray sametz

greg robertson

bryan ruttley

ian redman

glenn quarles

lawrence conrad II

mike schindler

kris flynn

jerry dunlap

mike larson

dave hobson

richard dahlheimer

ron olson

mike larson

thank you for the plan is to send off a large sympathy card with the donations and a list of who donated...I absolutely know it will help and i know jerry would be greatful....again thank you to all of you....

Alden Cost
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Alden, sorry I couldnt give more as cash is sort of tight. And Jerry deserves so much more!!! Thanks for doing this my friend.
Alden I will try and get some money freed For Jerry and his family in a week or so.....

Thank, Kevin....
no problem kev,,as long as you keep jerry in your prayers thats all that counts...

rodney,,dont worry about a $ amount,,just know its a great help to his family,,no matter what it is...

i would like to thank don publicly for pinning this thread...It means alot to me sir......Thank you...

wanted to give an update of our progress,,, we have $410.00 as of now... this is going great guys.. this will help jerry's family alot.. again i thank each and every one of you for donating..

Paypal sent. Alden, thanks for taking care of this! Donna and I have Jerry and his wife in our prayers. I didn't know Jerry well enough to know if he was a Christian, but I hope he knew the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Here is a bit of scripture I like: "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away". Revelation 21:4

Paypal sent. Alden, thanks for taking care of this! Donna and I have Jerry and his wife in our prayers. I didn't know Jerry well enough to know if he was a Christian, but I hope he knew the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Here is a bit of scripture I like: "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away". Revelation 21:4

I believe you are correct Glenn. There are two people that Lance converses with via the phone(Every day) for the last 1-1/2 to 2 years, myself & Jerry. Lance would tell me that Jerry always talked about Christ. Your doubt has been erased.
Hi, Alden

SO Sorry to hear this news.

I will send a check tomorrow, snail mail.

Hope this will help Jerry & the family.

I allways looked for Jerry's posts and read them.

Ran TT's in 1996 thought their was more power to be gained, and Jerry found it.

Allways loved his Frankenstien motor projects.

Maybe we could do some sort of raffle, or bidding or something for his boating items also, thie should raise the family a good bit more money to help out! (hope this does not rub people up the worng way by saying this.)


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Maybe we could do some sort of raffle, or bidding or something for his boating items also, thie should raise the family a good bit more money to help out! (hope this does not rub people up the worng way by saying this.)


naaa .. its a great idea!!!!
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kris,,,,its a great idea,,,and anyone who knows jerry and the way he loved his stuff,,you know he would want it to be in good hands....At this point it is totally up to jerrys family what happens with his toys..also,, at this stage im sure its the last thing they want to deal with....I hope for his sake all his stuff is used and in good hands,,,he wouldnt want it any other way...But like i said,,,there is a time for it,,but that time is totally up to his family...

by the way..we are up to $495.00 in donations,,,not including any snail mail...

again i thank you all..

we could do a raffle like you stated kris..maybe that will bring more interest to this drive for a good cause... if you have somthing you could throw in the raffle please pm me the details...I will compile a list in this post...i will fill a bowl and have my daughters pull the names to keep it is 12 one is 3,,id say $5 a ticket is good,,so 5 for $25.00...i will start this off...

2 outboard oiler kits of your choice 3.5 - gas o/ oiler per ticket drawn...(donated by alden cost)

1 set of stainless steel thunder tiger outboard steering arms,,(jerry loved these,,it only seems fitting to offer a set)..(donated by alden cost)

1 .12 wildthing mono with hardware and engine mount (donated by julian conde)
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