does railroad bother rc boating ponds


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<p>The Brandon pond in Fl is located within a 1/8 mile or less from very active tracks and we have zero issues. Not aware of any specific rules- dont know why there would be a need honestly. Most of their remote use is done at the railheads from what I have seen.
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Our pond in Fort Worth, TX has a fairly active rail line about 250ft from the back straight. We've been there for probably 20 years and have not had any R/C issues.

There isn't a rule in IMPBA or NAMBA that I know of concerning this. Don't know why it would matter.

I like having our pond so close because the trains are SO load that no one in the surrounding neighborhoods really cares about the toy boat noise. :p
we have a very busy double CSX line bordering the north side of our new pond in Muncie. like buchshot said the noise it creates is fantastic! betweent the trains to the north and the hiway to the west the neighbors don't hear the boats!

Radio gear won't be affected because of the com frequencies now used are 2.4 for the most part and won't hit our radios on 2.4 because of the modulation.

Some of the older 26 and 27 AM stuff is still suseptable to CB radios but not heard of any specific problems.

Thank U ALL very much . I had a jr radio top of the line about 5 yrs a go think it was the r1 . an i lost a r/c car when the train went through . kinda looking at a piece of property next yr big enough for a good size pond . after the r/c car took off i was concerned thought i would ask here .. as for the rule did not think so but safer to ask then find out suprize there is haha the feed back been awesome AGIN THANK U ALL VERY MUCH adam
Near the turn 1 and 2 area of Lake George in Hobart, there is a very busy train line hauling a lot of intermodal freight and not one issue. One that was very close also was the pond that Kevin Sheren used for one race, another busy line.