Does anyone remember where the timing charts are?


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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2003
Seems to me the Prestwich website had some convenient timing charts for popular motors (novarossi longstroke, cmb 21, 45, 67. I tried searching everywhere on the internet and I cant seem to find it…does anyone have it or know where I can find it?

Sure is easier to use than setting up the timing wheel …………… :blink:
hey Rod,

I use a degree wheel on all K&B products....turns out there are some uniformity issues that make using a chart somewhat of a gamble......The fit on the rod makes for about .002" of slop (measurment error) when measuring the timing.

I have checked the chart for the CMB tt, CMB longstroke, and novarossi and it's always been dead-on for me. It's pretty convenient to measure the timing with a set of calipers V/S setting up a wheel.
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I can think of some definite improvements in the stock 12mm outboard from modding it...especially the crank, the clearance, transfers and exhaust.

I don’t recall any Mac-related emails from you recently bro

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