Do Troy McIntire cowls usually take awhile?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2004
I was just wondering if anybody knew how long it generally takes for a McIntire cowl to be delivered? I ordered it back in June. I'd ask him myself but I don't want to pester him anymore than I already have. Besides the last I heard from him he had just come out of sinus surgery. (If Troy happens to read this I certainly hope he feels better and I hope to here from you soon) Anyway I'm sure he' s just very busy with other things.
I got this email from Troy this week

"First sorry for the bad typping you will see. I had eye surgery last week and by Monday this week my eyys were shut from infection,.today my right eye started geting better and oppend a little thats how I m reading this. I am about a third done with your stuff. It will ponably be 2 to 3 weeks before I am back in the shop and i have my eyyes oopnn and my sight back. Sorry Troy"

Hope your feeling better mate
