We are getting one sent out in the next couple of days. Anyone can let us know and we can put you on the list.
We have had to buy our own equipment to make the panels and it has been a learning experience with cad/cam and the cnc machine. We have also had some part order problems with part suppliers and some parts are only available from China. I know everyone is excited and I appreciate that, but I want to also make sure we are going to send out quality instruments. Right now we have a pretty big list to fill even on the second wave. Trust me we are working every night from the time I getting off of work until 10pm at night, plus my brother and I have a service company business and I have a full-time job. We are doing the best we can do to get these going right now and of coarse it is growing pains. There is a lot involved with a project like this and even more then what I thought it was going to be, but we're getting there. I promise the video will be out real soon!