demagnitizing cranks?


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troymcintire said:
How would you know if you got smoked by a demaged engine? They don't change color or anything when the get demagnetized?
And what was I right about?  I just commented because of the "must be from district 8" statement.


That was pretty funny. But take some advice from the man you defend,

As for people being crucified, it happens often with all the little"lol" comments in places they do not belong. If someone asks a a question, just answer it without all the humor, and treat people with dignity that are asking the questions.
I'll remove your name from the "being right" comment.

As far as who beats me. It ain't many and they don't demag. Like I said, I have seen too many record boats that aren't demagged. Anybody here got a demagged record holder? Andy, do you demag your engines? If they don't and they are pushing their engines to the obvious maximum, then it must be a little bit useless.

And at any rate, how long does a motor stay demagged? 10 seconds?
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I STARTED THIS THREAD half jokingly and if you see this forum you will see it is very easy going. the demagnitizing was ask if it was a performance mod not longevity.

as for the district 8 comment that was low. really low but i do know some real a-holes in district 8 so i can see where it is comming from.

as for boeing portland. learn how this forum operates before you post get a feel for the kind of people on here before you comment i have been reading and replying for two years and you? a day. before you start slamming on people make sure you dont make an @$$ out of your self.

my pennies for what they are worth
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(That was pretty funny. But take some advice from the man you defend,)

I defended no one. I just asked how you would know.
My self esteem is not so small that a little cyber crusifing is going to drive me to drink. I do any way! J/K of should I say LOL... I like to learn here and not on the water. I ask dumb questions here and don't show up at the basin with a magnetic motor.

Boeing Portland said:
If you doubt what I say as being true pull the needles out of your CMB and see if they form a nice little train. Having built 1 or 2 performance engines I can say that residual mag is no man's friend. Both my engines were that way.

As for people being crucified, it happens often with all the little"lol" comments in places they do not belong. If someone asks a a question, just answer it without all the humor, and treat people with dignity that are asking the questions. Each person has a line of interests that they follow. Many do not follow mine or yours. This is, after all, a forum.

If you know the person or have conversed with them and know that they will take what you are saying as a joke or without malice by all means have fun. If you do not know them, treat them with respect and answer the question without the humor or sarcasm. I have seen outright attacks on this website while visiting friends. It happens quite often. I get them e-mailed to me on a weekly basis.

If you wish for boating to flourish, I suggest everyone monitor the smug replies and foster the goodwill needed to entice new membership. They are after all, the people that keep the manufacturers going and  motivated to bring out revisions and new products. No one likes being belittled when trying to learn. An one cannot learn when discouraged to ask questions. The only stupid questions are the ones that go unasked.

A newbie shows up at the race course, help him. It is in YOUR best interest long term. Piss him off and turn him away, you have just manufactured one more person that will run around and tell everyone we are all a bunch of prehistoric "d&%#@" and will drive one more nail in the coffin. We are being pushed out of ponds because people do not want to enact noise regs. Our sites are being gobbled up by housing tracts and there are still those that do not get the picture.

It will not be long before the EPA is on us about oil pollution, noise pollution, and air pollution. Look at the home products market. EPA is imposing more strict laws every year. Keep showing up on the radar and we will be next. No more 2-stroke weedwackers after 2006 or 2007 if memory serves me correctly. We pollute as much or more than any single weed-eater. Remember, the person you just pissed off may work for the EPA or some other agency. Temper your responses and be responsible. I like doing my R/C hobbies.

Never before in history has the technology been so cheap or readily available, think about the long term health of our sport. Not our own egos.


Whats that all about? Lighten up....If I needed a sermon I'd go to church. If it wasnt for the humour(humor) here, then this forum wouldn't be what it is...Informative and fun.

As for demagging. I guess 99.9% of engine builders have got it wrong but I guess they don't use optical comparators and eddy current array probes either. lol

Where's my pipe.

not2bright said:
its probly a good thing some of the district 8 guys dont post on here they would be marked as crackheads for life.  puff puff


My comment, (Hummm. Must be from district 8.), was made in regards to the above previous reply and was followed with a dry.gif, which after reading Boeing Portlands sermon on the mount, he certainly must be. Also, it was followed by a wink.gif which means all in fun. Heck, I don't think I even know anyone from district 8.

Sorry if that offended you.

Don ;)
There is another Hall of fame member who had people saving cat pee. LOL That was the best one yet!
Before I ask what you do with it, I would just like to know how to get a cat to pee in a cup. I can't get my neighbors cat to cooperate at all. :lol: :lol:

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