Converting a 40 nitro to Electric


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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
If I was to go electric in a sport 40 what size motor would everyone go with? I have one setup now with a OPS.45 nitro engine in it now but I have an extra one that I want to set up electric can anyone give me some ideas. I added a pic need some help before I go looking for the motor and all that.

Thanks all :)
what is the LOA of the hull and what does it weigh RTR as a nitro Sport 40?


Nice PT SS45.

I assume you are currently running something like a H7 prop?

A place to start would be:

Neu 1521/1Y - 1577kv motor

6S2P 30C Lipo's - That's 2 x 6S packs

Castle Creations 180Amp HV speed control

Turning a H7 will put you in the low to mid 60's.

See the gallery under Raydee. He's doin an electric SS45 as well.


There are many other combo's that will work. I'm sure some others will chime in.
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what Ray aka PropNut said...

that's a realistic working FE Sport 40 set-up...

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Now you understand the fundamental problem with large electrics. The cost of the power plant for your boat will exceed the total cost of a nitro sport 40, even at today's high nitro engine cost. By the way, current thinking is that this hull size is suitable for the P class. That would be 4S2P 30/60 C 4500 mah batteries combined with a Schulze 40-160 water cooled speed control and suitable Neu motor. Plan on over 200 amp current draw. (Those batteries would be rated at 270 amps continuous but with a 50 cycle life.) The 6S setup can run a more conservative current draw and won't need quite as expensive components.

Lohring Miller
Sticker shock? It is kinda steep when it costs over a G for just the powerplant (motor, controller and batteries).

But just think, you won't have to buy fuel for two years!

...By the way, current thinking is that this hull size is suitable for the P class. That would be 4S2P 30/60 C 4500 mah batteries combined with a Schulze 40-160 water cooled speed control and suitable Neu motor...
Yes, that's Brian's current thinking, but fortunately not the thinking of the majority of FE boaters - who will likely adhere to the proposed length limits - making the PT hydro illegal in P class. And what you have described is a national-level race boat anyway. The vast majority of FE boaters would be content with the more moderate 6S setup, which will give better overall performance (the PT SS45 needs the weight, ask me how I know), lower amp draw, longer run times, and cost a little less with the same top quality components. Yes, larger FE boats are not as inexpensive as nitro or gas boats (some anyway) but then their performance is a bit to a lot better, and run times are getting reasonable. Too, more and more fuel boaters are finding that if they want to run ANY R/C boat, it has to be FE. They have lost their running sites by not enforcing the long-mandated noise restrictions...... :(

I know, just me out ruining the hobby, ouch! Thanks Jay ;) .

Just because it's possible doesn't mean I've done it. I'm still running sport 20 hulls for P. Even if the rules don't pass, I'm not planning to build the monster boats unless I'm forced to. I still really like the PT SSP21 for P, racing under the proposed limits. The sad part is the only running boats I have right now are my SAW boats, an SV27, a spec OPC and the PNW variant of LSH. Plenty of hulls and parts. Just waiting to see what happens.

The 6s setup would be fast, dead reliable and a ton of fun. Not too many people running that class these days, a concern if racing was your interest.
I know, just me out ruining the hobby, ouch! Thanks Jay ;) .
No no Brian,"running the hobby" is what I meant to imply....

Obviously J/K. :eek: Perhaps in a few years the SS45 will be a 4S boat, perhaps not. But right now a boat that size is about perfect for a 6S or 8S setup. How fast the boat runs will depend, as always, on how much $$$ the builder wants to spend. A Feigao XL on a gear box with a Chinese ESC and a decent set of cells can still give speeds in the 60s with decent run time - without exceeding the cost of a good Sport 40 hydro. A high-end 6S setup will run faster - but not longer - at much higher cost. That was the point I wanted to make, that you can have a fast FE boat the size and speed of a Sport 40 without taking out a second mortgage.

A Feigao XL on a gear box with a Chinese ESC and a decent set of cells can still give speeds in the 60s with decent run time - without exceeding the cost of a good Sport 40 hydro. A high-end 6S setup will run faster - but not longer - at much higher cost. That was the point I wanted to make, that you can have a fast FE boat the size and speed of a Sport 40 without taking out a second mortgage.

Neu 1521 1Y $275.00

NeuEnergy 4300XP [25-50C] 6s-2p $500.00

Castle Creations HV180 $450.00

real world everyday [no discount] price... $1225.00

how much will you save and what do you give up with the Feigao XL, Chinese ESC, gear box, and decent cell alternative you speak of Jay?

like Brian said, "the 6s set-up [above] would be fast, dead reliable and a ton of fun"

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I know, just me out ruining the hobby, ouch! Thanks Jay ;) .
Look, we all know that you are a bad influence, on people you meet and the hobby in general. For example, 2 days ago I was not even thinking of a any kind of rigger. Now I am wondering how I can get a 10S 1527/1.5Y powered rigger going ASAP!! And it is ALL your doing, Sir!! :angry:
I know, just me out ruining the hobby, ouch! Thanks Jay ;) .
Look, we all know that you are a bad influence, on people you meet and the hobby in general. For example, 2 days ago I was not even thinking of a any kind of rigger. Now I am wondering how I can get a 10S 1527/1.5Y powered rigger going ASAP!! And it is ALL your doing, Sir!! :angry:
Brains got a way about rubbing off on ya like that dont he ?? ;) Right up to the part were he wads one up at 80+ and sinks and then he's like -oh well- ;) :eek: :) I cant afford to play like that ;) No disrespect intended Brain. You play to win !!!!

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how much will you save and what do you give up with the Feigao XL, Chinese ESC, gear box, and decent cell alternative you speak of Jay?
You can save enough to afford to go BL and LiPo and have a lot of fun. Several guys in the club have done that, and as long as they stay conservative on amp draw they do okay - and they have a lot of fun. Are they as fast as the guys with the Neus, Schulzes and TPX LiPos? No, but they have a lot of fun. See a theme going on here? Since some posters in this thread have insisted that the only way to go with a large boat is to spend ~$2000+ I gave an alternative way to go. Fast but not world class. Do whatever you want of course, but it is certainly possible to have a lot of fun without spending a huge amount of cash. See it happen all the time. ;)

Feigao - $65

Gearbox - $80

OMERC ESC - $100

Good 6S Cells - $450

Amount saved - $530.

To many folks, $530 is the difference between going BL/LiPo and not going R/C boating at all. Not everyone is a racer, and not everyone has to have the most expensive or the top performing equipment to have a lot of fun....IMO anyway. Your opinion may vary.

IF that same person had the money to spend, would it not be wiser to spend the extra coin to have a very safe setup AND allow for use in future upgrade projects??? Without harming his existing equipment ? Or spend the lower dollar and burn something up and be in the same boat so to speak COST WISE <_<

Are you coming to Valdosta so I can give you a big hug Jay :wub:
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how much will you save and what do you give up with the Feigao XL, Chinese ESC, gear box, and decent cell alternative you speak of Jay?
Since some posters in this thread have insisted that the only way to go with a large boat is to spend ~$2000+ I gave an alternative way to go. Fast but not world class.

Feigao - $65

Gearbox - $80

OMERC ESC - $100

Good 6S Cells - $450

Amount saved - $530.

To many folks, $530 is the difference between going BL/LiPo and not going R/C boating at all. Not everyone is a racer, and not everyone has to have the most expensive or the top performing equipment to have a lot of fun....IMO anyway. Your opinion may vary.


the fellow asked for a set-up suggestion and one was given...

i don't see where anyone said it is the Only Way to go or gave $2000.00+ as the minimum $$$ amount one must Spend to have Fun...

and it sure isn't the most expensive way you could go...

Lehner-Schulze-Enerland 30-60C would cost a bunch more...

it is what it is... a proven set-up suggestion that offers good sport and oval performance plus reliability B)

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Well for me I would have to go with the most cost effiective way because being a disabled Vet my income only will let me go so far............ And the bills come first than fun.
Gee, maybe the rules should limit power plants in a way that will keep costs down, like the Super V 27 class or the spec OPC class. You could even do this with a sport hydro class. All use an inexpensive brushless motor and lipos. But I forget, limiting boat length will automatically force people to make inexpensive power plant choices.

Lohring Miller