COG on Zipp Missile


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Ok, got the box epoxy covered (waterproofed) and I found out about how valuable it is to apply thinned epoxy, and then wipe off as much as you can with a paper towel! It came out great! Smooth and thin. Here’s a few pics.


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I finally got back from trips to Michigan and the Adirondacks, and spent a little time on the boat today. I shortened the stuffing box tube, and the cable tube. I also put some thin CA on the tube junction under the boat. I assembled the radio box, and placed it in the boat. I put a bunch of stick on weights up in front, and I cut new lines and re-routed the lines for the exhaust port cooling. I need to get my radio out and zero the servos before i glue them in permanently to the radio box, and then glue the box in to the boat. Still need to glue in the tuned pipe support, although it is in place and ready for gluing. Then I need to check everything, and then the decks!


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Today is the day to glue in the radio box, and glue in the tuned pipe support bracket. I also have a care package coming from Zipp kits with a few goodies in it, including a sharpened turn fin and a spare shaft. Forgot to order some radio box tape. I should be ready to go after the decks after today.
I finally epoxied on my first deck piece today! I’ve done an awful lot of sanding fitting and test fitting, to get to today. I put on the deck strip, put a ton of clamps and weights on it, and then left the basement. I won’t go back until tomorrow. Then I’ll start working on the right side.
Here’s from tonight…..the second deck has been epoxied on and is drying. I only have three more pieces of wood to glue to the hull, 2 sponson covers and the piece that covers the bow. A little bit of sanding, some epoxy covering, some razor blade scraping, and Miss Charlevoix will be ready for a shakedown cruise!


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The sponson decks have been completed! I have only one piece of wood left to glue on, and that will happen today! This is the piece that goes from the cowling to the round nose. I already have it fitted, just a matter of mixing up some Flex epoxy, adding some silica filler, and putting some weights on the top to keep it secure.


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