You are correct. If someone decides to try running nitro engines in model boats, there has to be an engine available that will run without a lot of expensive modification. I'm not saying that the engine has to be hot as hell, I'm saying it has to start and run for an inexperienced boater.
If we are to attract and keep new model boaters running nitro, there has to be an engine they can use and enjoy. Of course I ran a lot of MAC and Kalistratov engines. Both brands ran fine right out of the box. And you know what they could do if someone like Andy or Rod tweeked them.
Andy and I visited two Italain engine manufacturing plants. They both were building the engines they wanted to build. One only wanted to build car engines.
That is why there has to be more than one model marine engine brand available. If there is only one brand, the single manufacturer can build what he wants. If there is more than one manufacturer, they have to build what the customer wants.
That is my opinion. There may be some people that do not agree.
Al Hobbs