Cmb 45 hr pipe


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Drew St. Amant

Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
I have a red head 45 hr in a eagle sgx just wondering what pipe you guys have been running on that engine. I've been running what I believe is a cooper pipe at 9.5in to the weld. Here is a pic of the pipe, maybe someone can tell me what it actually is or if I'm right.1000002355.jpg
Looks like a Irwin 45 pipe....don't remember Cooper having such a pronounced weld....pipes that worked well on that motor in my past experience was the Andy brown parabolic 45 and the ops 60 pipe worked really well
Looks like a Irwin 45 pipe....don't remember Cooper having such a pronounced weld....pipes that worked well on that motor in my past experience was the Andy brown parabolic 45 and the ops 60 pipe worked really well
That is what I meant to write. It is Irwin. Geez I’m seeing one thing and writing another.
They can be good pipes. As is the parabolic. The Cmb 45 pipe as well. The length will vary from set up to set up.
Ok so with the irwin pipe I'm running a 1462 that has been cut down and back cut in the sgx I mentioned. Does 9.5 in sound too short? I would obviously just lengthen it and try it but my header has been cut so short that 9.5 is about as far as it will go. I may have to get a new header if it needs to be longer and for that same boat and prop what is a good starting length for a parabolic pipe? The only reason I ask any of this is the boat is extremely sensitive to tune and I have a feeling it's due to the pipe.
When I was running nitro there was a saying "lean is mean but fat is where it's at!"....this applies to the pipe as well...u have a good pipe on my nitro riggers I find 10 1/8 was good to go
On a light rigger u probably could get away with that 9.5" pipe but u also may have to turn a smaller prop
If u want to run bigger props especially with more pitch in them u may have to go longer on the pipe's all a balancing act and what u doing...heat racing boat needs to be able to rev and crawl straight away Rev as high a it's safe to
Yeah so I definitely need a new header so I try longer. thanks for the help guys I'll give it a try and report back with what I find
That’s definitely an Irwin pipe.
I prefer the CMB nitro pipe (or the muffled AB version) as it hits harder.
9.5” or so, as short as you can get away with while launching and milling.
Buck have you tried both open 45 cmb nitro pipes?
Andy had a 45 muffled pipe that needed the stinger opened up. It was a good pipe shape, just had a stinger that was too small. The mfg of the pipe apparently mixed up the ID vs OD when putting on the stinger. Too much back pressure.

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