Okay, now I'm confused. Someone posted earlier in this thread that Thunderboats are required to be round or chissel nosed boats 48-56" long and 24" or more wide, yet on the Warehouse Hobbies website, a link says the boats need to be 46-56" long and 21" or more wide with the only hull restriction being no front cockpits and pickleforks must be less than 10% of the hull's length. Which one is right, or is one for NAMBA and the other for IMPBA? By using the rules in the WHH website, I could build any pre-1980 boat except the Thriftway Too, Cabover Bardahl, 70 Pay N' Pak, 74 Miss U. S, 77 Atlas, U-95, the Squire boats, the 79 Budweiser, 79 Circus Circus or the Country Boy/Redman. Anyone know what the official word really is????