Chine Walk on Prather Aggressor


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Active Member
May 22, 2004
Hey Guys

My Friend has a prather aggressor hull with a Cmb cam 45, setup with factory hardware and sub surface drive with a b-230 prop, it goes well, except at the end of the straight if you keep it nailed , it starts rocking from side to side, violently before it goes a sometimes spectacular flip/roll or a combination of both.

we've tried a 3 bladed prop, still the same, we have lifted the strut up a fair bit, we tweaked the trim tabs down, that fixes it, but it rides too wet and doesnt get to top speed.

Any help would be greatly appricated
chinewalk is a matter of "how much hull is in the water " in other words, your vee hull is to much out of the water at topspeed and couses the hull to fall to left ore right .. since its a sub-surface drive i guess the prop u using has to much lift .. pushing the transom up and gives you shinewalk , try another prop with about hte same blade size and pitch . but with less ore no lift ..!


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