Can someone please tell me which hull this is??


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Darin Jordan

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
I'm interested in knowing which hull I would need to get to build this in a 1/8th scale?? Newton plan references or ?? would be fine...

Thanks for the help!

Darin... be careful to be sure it is OK in Namba. See the other thread regarding this boat already. It is not legal in IMPBA

I'm interested in knowing which hull I would need to get to build this in a 1/8th scale?? Newton plan references or ?? would be fine...
Thanks for the help!

It is the second Elam hull, the first one after the canard. I don't remember the hull # off hand but will post it tonight.

It is a direct take off of the 1992-95 Budweiser T-2, T-3 hulls. minus the tiplets.
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I'm interested in knowing which hull I would need to get to build this in a 1/8th scale?? Newton plan references or ?? would be fine...
Thanks for the help!


BTW, I see you are in Renton. The boat is up for draw at the moment in RCU. I think the draw ends this 13th. Check out our site if you want to come race with us.

Hull # is 9516
Ok since the NAMBA question was brought up I'll address it our rules state right now it would be a legal hull. I plan on adding it to our hull roster when the year is complete. It was registered with the ABRA and Jimmy King did make a qualifying run with it. Whether or not it will be added to the APBA master hull roster I am not sure. Since it is up for draw in RCU I guess it is. But my question is....since it was not run at an APBA sanctioned event as the U-787 how can it be added? It only ran in Detroit as the U-1 Elam in 2007 at an APBA sancioned event.
Mike, I am not going to get into your NAMBA affairs, but everything I read was that the 787 made a "demonstration" pass, not qualification attempts.

I think the list should be renamed ABRA/APBA MHR. Clearly the ABRA is now the real racing organization and if you don't merge the list there will be many future boats that do not show up at the Gold cup, and then you will have this recurring question each time!

OK, I guess people don't really read the rule book, or they interpret the rules differently!

Straight out of the mail box, the newest addition of the NAMBA rule book changes (by the way, this has not changed from last addition of rule book)

Section 21

Page #3

Section E. Master hull Roster

Paragraph 3:

Boats must meet the following criteria to be placed on the Scale Unlimited Hydroplane Master Hull Roster.

a. The full sized boat must have been registered with an unlimited hydroplane racing association.

b. the registered boat must have made at least one verifiable test run in the water.

Section "A" does not mention any sanctioning body in particular, but does say """unlimited hydroplane racing association."""

Section "B" does not say Qualifying run, but does say """verifiable test run in the water."""

So I guess the confusion would be "demonstration run"

I don't know, were's the confusion here???

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The problem Rick is with APBA and our rules used to read "APBA Registered". RCU is responsible for the APBA Hull Roster. I am not sure what criteria APBA or RCU is using as to whether or not a boat can be added to the roster or not. A logical conclusion would be that if it runs at an APBA event it can be added. Problem is the Detroit Gold Cup is the only APBA event anymore. ABRA is the sole sanction at all other races. Since there was some confusion on this issue that didn't get resolved in a timely manner.....I spoke with Al Waters about this a couple of years ago while he was still handling the Scale Chairman duties and a proactive BOD vote was taken to ammend the rules. Otherwise as the rules read we would not have been able to build and run any boats after the 2004 Unlimited Season because that was the last year APBA was a player. But if you look at the APBA hull roster apparently they have since decided to add boats regardless of whether they ran at an APBA event or not. But for a while there we were not sure whether the only boats that would be added would be the boats that ran at Detroit. Some boats didn't due to damage at Madison or Evansville. So in NAMBA's case we made an attempt to unconfuse it so if someone wanted to build a boat from 2005 to present they could.
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This was discusssed on the other thread about this hull. RCU's rules state a sanctioned unlimited event, APBA, ABRA, Hydro Prop or what ever it is legal for it to race in RCU. The hulls are up for draw in RCU and there for on the Master hull roster. I have not checked to see if they have been added to the hull roster but they will be if they are not. Did I get it right Harry?
This was discusssed on the other thread about this hull. RCU's rules state a sanctioned unlimited event, APBA, ABRA, Hydro Prop or what ever it is legal for it to race in RCU. The hulls are up for draw in RCU and there for on the Master hull roster. I have not checked to see if they have been added to the hull roster but they will be if they are not. Did I get it right Harry?
That Ron Hartley never misses a beat.

He is exactly correct on how we are doing it in RCU. As for the other organizations, frankly dear, we just don't give a ****, do it however you wish.
OK, so we have half of the equation worked out,

Does RCU state a qualifying run, or test run?

Just for my satisfaction.

Mostly, because I plan to bring a boat out to N.W. Scale Championships, that never qualified, but did attempt to.

I just want to make sure I will be welcome with this boat, and not protested.

What boat and is it on the master hull roster? If it is listed on the hull roster it is legal!
Master Hull Roster 7704

1982 U-21 Miss Machine Rock Band


It could be raced in RCU if the dimension are with in the min-max allowed. Marty's race is a differant event and he needs to address this issue. But it is a combination of rules and I don't think he would turn any scale racer away. They just race and have fun.
Yer funny Rick....I get jokes....

Ok SO RCU is cool with it....NAMBA is cool with it.....Oh nevermind I'm not even going there.
OK, so we have half of the equation worked out,
Does RCU state a qualifying run, or test run?

Just for my satisfaction.

Mostly, because I plan to bring a boat out to N.W. Scale Championships, that never qualified, but did attempt to.

I just want to make sure I will be welcome with this boat, and not protested.

Our rule is it needs to appear at a sanctioned unlimited event. Makes no distinction between a test run or qualification attempt. However, a test run has to be at a race, not at some secret location during the off season.
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