Building of the U-13 Sprit of Detroit


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Apr 13, 2006
Ok, I will need some help here, I am making this hull into something else, First off my most difficult chalange straitining the back's of the front sponsons, Pic's? then making the snorkel lower on the cowl? as far as the lowering of the intake I guess just cut it off and trim, then reatatch?

I am gunna leave the rear of the front sponson's alone

U-13 Build 004.jpg

U13 Spirit of Detroit 07 08.jpg

U13 Acura 06 6.jpg

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Got a little done today, got the radio box all set up, sanded and glued blocks of wood on the rear of the transom ride pad's, will shape them soon and get pic's!!
desided to go with a front radio box, my metal tank will fit into the left sponson cavity, I have the engine mount done, and the strut cut out today!!.. :blink:

U-13 Build 017.jpg

U-13 Build 020.jpg

U-13 Build 016.jpg
The shoes look really good. As for the sponson transoms, I'd just glue on a block to give a vertical surface to mount the skid fin to and call it good
I need to put about a 1-2* angle into the shoe's I feel there to flat and might cause the hull when it hit's to act like a set of, just time consuming and I have gave up on the front sponson's leaving them the way they are, it's with in the 10% rule, so after replaning thoes, it's off to setting the cowl, I have removed about 1/4" from the bottom of it to make the cowl sit lower, you might be able to see the 1/8th x1/8th spruce epoxyed around the hull cavity, cause sanding down the cowl made it want to fall inside the hull just more, but it's fun!
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cowl mount's all set, now the filling and shaping of the glass part's I, wing's not mounted, the whip's will wait till this is ready for paint!!

U-13 Build 042.jpg

U-13 Build 044.jpg

U-13 Build 047.jpg

U-13 Build 048.jpg

U-13 Build 043.jpg
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I got my rear wing mount's into the hull, .064" aluminum plate. I drilled several little hole's into the bottom where they sit into the inside floor of the hull, I should have taken a pic prior to mounting, but, it's good, Rock Solid,it helped the epoxy with glass mixed with it flow through to set into the plate, I plan to use #8 nylon screws to mount the up right's to the tab's sticking out of the hull, so incase of a incedent it should break the nylon screws off with out damage, I hope!, will post pic's later, Having fun though!!..Corey
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Ok, got a little more worked on, put some 1/16th ply down the side's to give the rear sponson's there diffinition, hoping by the end of This week, she will be ready for Paint!!

U-13 Build 049.jpg

U-13 Build 050.jpg

U-13 Build 051.jpg

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Cowl is almost done, just a bit more filling and sanding, have the turbine pipe mounted to the cowl also!! Stuffing tube is set in the hull today, sunday!!

U-13 Build 061.jpg

U-13 Build 060.jpg

U-13 Build 059.jpg
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