bouy layout


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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
anybody have a diagram or a sheet with the dimensions of your standard oval course/bouy layout? what works good for bouys?

330' straights and 70' diameter turns for a standard nitro and gas course. It is in the rule book in the IMPBA site.
You can use different type of buoys from expensive nautical/diving ones to very cheap made from swimming pool noodles it is up to your budget.

Are you doing this for fun and/or practice or for a race? For practice, you can make some cheaply like what I did for the Fun Run. I used empty liquid Tide bottles for the buoys with a line run through the handle with lead fishing weights attached to the ends, more weight on one end than the other. I used a zip tie loosely around the lines so they don't come off in case they get hit or if the water is too deep. I've seen everything used from pool noodles to water jugs used.

If you are holding a sanctioned race, the IMPBA and NAMBA pretty much tell you want you need to use.
If your time is worth anything, water jugs, milk cartons, and similar containers make poor buoys. One hit and you lose the buoy, the ground tackle, and the location of the buoy. My favorite buoys are 12" styrofoam balls cut in half. I hit one with my hydro Sunday, completely destroyed the buoy, but didn't scratch the boat or loose the ground tackle. I snapped a new buoy on while retreeving my boat and everything was as good as new.

I make these buoys by hot wire cutting the ball in half, making a loop of polypropylene line with a brass snap on it and gluing it into the hole in the buoy with spray foam. This is snapped to a piece of nylon line with a heavy weight (small concrete block) on one end and a light weight (small brick) on the other. This keeps constant tension on the buoy regardless of water level.

Lohring Miller
great ideas guys, this is just a fun setup. my friend and i run all the time and we try to race but we keep cutting the corners on each other. we both decided it'd be worth while to make some kind of race course out of it and see if we can't tear up some more stuff. the pool noodle seemed to be the most boat friendly thing i had seen. the foam has got me thinking now tho. where do you get foam that big? the other prob we were trying to get around was gettin everything layed out but not leaving the bouys. we're afraid that they'd disappear. do any of you guys mark your spots some way?

Mark 100 meters on shore, line up 2 objects that are perpendicular to your 100 meter line that you will be able to see from the lake. This marks the four corners then you will just have to sight in bouys 2 and 5. ;)
Some of the foam balls or half-circles can be found at arts & crafts stores like Frank's or Hobby Lobby (not the R/C place).
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