Boat Racing in Germany (lots of pics!)


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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2002
Guys, I took a couple pictures and a couple short video clips this past weekend in Stuttgart Germany for an International FSRV endurance race. It was a first for me, and it was very interesting. I had a great time and met a lot of cool people.

This first video is of a 15cc "qualifier" start, these guys have got starting these big engines down to an art!! They start the race from a dead start in the pits, then toss them in the water and run for 20 minutes trying to get as many laps as possible. I was told by our very own Bart Drieghe that his 15cc boat runs through 3-4 liters of fuel in the 30 minute main event. Thats a GALLON of fuel in your boat, for one race! The tanks are huge! The main events were held on Monday and I was not able to attend.

(video of the start of Bart's qualifier.)


Barts 15cc boat!




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This is the guy who monitors the Db level of the boats, he was checking boats during every qualifier, and looked like he loved his job... :)


Not sure if this lady was dead or asleep, but this was during a 15cc race with 12 boats on the water, and she was on the waters edge! She must have been really tired to sleep through that noise... Actually, the noise wasnt bad, and it was on a very small body of water (a river actually) where the boats were pretty close to the people.



LOTS of CMB's!!!! CMB Jr and Sr. were at this race and running boats.







Ahhh.... Beer!




Not sure how this picture of my truck got in here but... she sure is pretty aint she? :)

So when your done with your heat racing does that mean you have to TURN Marshall the next heat in the retrieve boat while there racing?

That's pretty cool stuff! James, how about an article in an upcoming Rooster tail? A 1st hand American perspective on European R/C boat racing?

Ed, from what I saw, the retrieve boat guys were a dedicated pair. They never left the boat. And yes, they are out there while they are running, now that ive seen it, it seems a "little" less dangerous, but I will admit I was cringing everytime the boat went out! The monos that race FSRV arent as fast as I was expecting, although they could still do a fair amount of damage. The drivers are very used to this practice and the pitmen and anouncer do a very good job telling the drivers where the catch boat is.

Josh, that is a great idea, but unfortunately there are no outboard races here... :( And being the Outboard Director, I would rather spend my "roostertail article" time talking about outboards, because they are the coolest boats in the world! :)

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That's cool stuff, I'd like to see more. I would think that an article on the European racing could be in an addition to the regular out board article? Just a thought, it's not like they have a size requirement for a newsletter thats only published on-line.
I guess FSR-V is not only European racing. We had people from more than 30 countries that participated in this class at the WC in Norway last year coming from Europe, Asia and South America.

I personally will stick to hydro racing...but one thing is really impressing with these guys. Within a second after the start signal most of the boats have hit the water (engines are not running at the time the start signal goes), it is very cool to see the start. It is also another challenge for your concentration as they run 20 min qualifiers and 30 min finals. You cannot relax...

This class is now the most popular nitro class in Germany at the moment. It used to be a lot of hydro racing here as well 10-15 years ago. Actually, we will race hydro in May here for the first time in a few years (German championship and qualifier for next year WC). Hope to meet James (TopFuel) then for the first time...!

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Guys, I took a couple pictures and a couple short video clips this past weekend in Stuttgart Germany for an International FSRV endurance race. It was a first for me, and it was very interesting. I had a great time and met a lot of cool people.
This first video is of a 15cc "qualifier" start, these guys have got starting these big engines down to an art!! They start the race from a dead start in the pits, then toss them in the water and run for 20 minutes trying to get as many laps as possible. I was told by our very own Bart Driehe (sp?) that his 15cc boat runs through 3-4 liters of fuel in the 30 minute main event. Thats a GALLON of fuel in your boat, for one race! The tanks are huge! The main events were held on Monday and I was not able to attend.

First Off , it was nice meeting you James , Too bad your time was a bit limited but on the other hand , it saved your ears ( i would have probably rambled them off otherwise LOL )

Thanks for the video btw :) , i got first in the water and lead the race for the biggest part and won that heat . Unfortenately i drove too safe and got a few laps behind to get into the final ( a bit of a bummer ) but then again , this was the first race for this boat and its known that a boat during a training handles differently than a boat during a race . This is a known fact . And Stuttgart is also known as a tricky course so .......... . But i really enjoyed the weekend !

James , do you see a chance of sending those pics to my email ? [email protected] .

Btw , this counts for all of you , that pic doesn't do justice to his truck , its huge lol .

Hope to meet you again James :) , maybe at nurnburg but i'm afraid i'll have to skip that one . ( btw , i'm expecting an email with some info for you )


PS : my brother said i had to thank you BIGTIME ;)
Bart, I will definitely send you a couple emails of all that i have of your boat. I am (currently) uploading another video of your race, its only a lap or two, but cool none the less. (it also has your spin on bouy 1 :) ) My connection here is SLOOOOOOWWWWWW.

It was very nice meeting you as well, I enjoyed talking with you! Tell your brother I am glad he is happy, and not to crash. :)

Looking forward to your email.


PS, how did your buddy do in the final?? (I forget his name?)
James, glad you enjoyed your first exposure to the European race scene. See we aren't really all that crazy are we :D

For those interested I have some video from the WC in Norway 2006 here

Thanks for the update on how Europeans do it...

Too bad KLM is not flying into Stuttgart at this moment, otherwise I would be there too.

The beer- almost a gallon LOL - looks good too, in the summer wx.

The FSR class is racing in the Netherlands near my place this coming weekend.

oh man I got a good laugh out of the lady sleeping in that pic! Wouldn't you feel bad if she really was dead! She reminds me of my grandma, always falling asleep when fun stuff is happening (christmas, b-days lol)
Bart, I will definitely send you a couple emails of all that i have of your boat. I am (currently) uploading another video of your race, its only a lap or two, but cool none the less. (it also has your spin on bouy 1 :) ) My connection here is SLOOOOOOWWWWWW.
It was very nice meeting you as well, I enjoyed talking with you! Tell your brother I am glad he is happy, and not to crash. :)

Looking forward to your email.


PS, how did your buddy do in the final?? (I forget his name?)

Hiya James , kinda missed this reply from you so sorry for my late reply lol

Robert Daniel won the 7.5 cc A final , tough racing and in the end the guy in the second place was catching him up slowly but he managed to keep the lead and win it , STRESSY RACING !

Pictures of Robert Daniel can be seen on his site :

Steven ( Belgian friend ) had less luck during his A final , he raced "too close" , touched someone , spon and turned over . He did get his boat back but something had come loose ( because of the hit ) and that was the end of his final .

But all in all , we all had a fun time being there , up to the next race !!

Hi Guys

I used to do a lot of FSR-V racing and my boats have seen many happy journeys in the rescue boat :rolleyes:

The mention of rooster-tails in a couple of posts has prompted me to tell you about another form of ic model boat racing that takes place in Europe (mainly UK and France) called Offshore. We have a mixture of sub and surface drive and race for 30 mins, usually round a lake or in the sea close to shore. There is another event (only 1 per year) :( which is where we get in a fast boat - and follow the models out to sea. Its really exciting as you get a real sense of the speed.

I've done a short (5 min) video of a run. The volume unfortunately, is really low so if you have powered PC speakers - turn them up, if not - sorry.

I didn't mean to hijack your thread, Topfuel - hope you forgive me.

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