Big THANKS to Phil T.


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Kevin Krogness

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2008
Phil first thank you so much for this old hull of yours!!!! Literaly all I did was put a new servo in and rework the linkage and drop a Go'pherosi' in and that was it!!!! I did nothing else!!! Just threw the boat in and she hopped on plane!!! Also Thanks to Mark "Lights" Leyde for the Gopherosi and Mr. Porter for the carb!!!! Thanks again and better videos to came!! Until then how about some cell phone vids!!!!

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Sweet! Should be a rocket when that engine is broken in! While you and Dave P. are trying to sort out which one of you is driving which one of the yellow boats on the course, I'll be steering clear and lapping you with this!
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Sweet! Should be a rocket when that engine is broken in! While you and Dave P. are trying to sort out which one of you is driving which one of the yellow boats on the course, I'll be steering clear and lapping you with this!
I'll have to talk with Mark about getting more motor, cause I'm going to be in lane 15 far away from the rock solid bouys!!!!!
Awe, don't be such a fraidy cat, them solidly anchored buoys at Nicols are only a death blow for lightly constructed outriggers...Fiberglass monos, tunnels, and sport hydros just blow them all to pieces, or skewer them on a sponson, and push them around the course!
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Alright lane one it is!!! After all Phil sent me the hull perfectly set up!!! I do need to replace the steering servo... Seems to have problems bringing her back to zero exiting corners...
Awe, don't be such a fraidy cat, them solidly anchored buoys at Nicols are only a death blow for lightly constructed outriggers...Fiberglass monos, tunnels, and sport hydros just blow them all to pieces, or skewer them on a sponson, and push them around the course!
Those couldn't be Nicol's Bouy's - they're in too good of shape!! :lol:
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Awe, don't be such a fraidy cat, them solidly anchored buoys at Nicols are only a death blow for lightly constructed outriggers...Fiberglass monos, tunnels, and sport hydros just blow them all to pieces, or skewer them on a sponson, and push them around the course!
Those couldn't be Nicol's Bouy's - they're in too good of shape!! :lol:

Ted those pictures are from early 2009 at Nicols. The blue and white Vision tunnel is Bill W. Sr's(osracer).
Awe, don't be such a fraidy cat, them solidly anchored buoys at Nicols are only a death blow for lightly constructed outriggers...Fiberglass monos, tunnels, and sport hydros just blow them all to pieces, or skewer them on a sponson, and push them around the course!
Those couldn't be Nicol's Bouy's - they're in too good of shape!! :lol:

Ted those pictures are from early 2009 at Nicols. The blue and white Vision tunnel is Bill W. Sr's(osracer).
Anomaly #2. No Weeds!! :D Anomaly #3. Looks like he's going in the wrong direction? :huh:
Awe, don't be such a fraidy cat, them solidly anchored buoys at Nicols are only a death blow for lightly constructed outriggers...Fiberglass monos, tunnels, and sport hydros just blow them all to pieces, or skewer them on a sponson, and push them around the course!
Those couldn't be Nicol's Bouy's - they're in too good of shape!! :lol:

Ted those pictures are from early 2009 at Nicols. The blue and white Vision tunnel is Bill W. Sr's(osracer).
Anomaly #2. No Weeds!! :D Anomaly #3. Looks like he's going in the wrong direction? :huh:
Anomaly # 2 it was the first run of the season in 2009, the weed were not up to the surface yet. Anomaly # 2 The boat in the first picture is not the same boat as in the second picture. 2 different boats two different buoys, The boat in picture one turned around at the North end of the pond after collecting the buoy and came back to the dock. These photos were taken during the 2009 Speed Run at Nicols Pond in Eagan,
Alright so far the 440/3 has been the fastest... Tried a 1440 and a m440 couldn't even get the 1440 to plane out... Need to do some special tuning to the 1440 or maybe take a bit of the negative out of the strut... Need to slow down, already have 3/4 a gallon through her!!!!
Let's add my PT to the mix. All I need it to finish the drive line with Jeff's help and I'm ready.


Alright so far the 440/3 has been the fastest... Tried a 1440 and a m440 couldn't even get the 1440 to plane out... Need to do some special tuning to the 1440 or maybe take a bit of the negative out of the strut... Need to slow down, already have 3/4 a gallon through her!!!!

Kevin, for the 1440, you really have to launch the boat. Cant just toss it in the water, you have to really give it a good fling. I have the same issue with my 1440, but once its up on plain, watch out brother. Also, how much negative do you have in the strut? And also how much do you have the turn fin tucked? And did you try a 40/53? That is my next prop to try. That will be tomorrow.

It looks good, but I think it def. has more in it my friend :D
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Hmm after a brain fart I have over come the problems at the pond this weekend!!!! Just might be able to get that 1440 going after all!!!!
Hmm after a brain fart I have over come the problems at the pond this weekend!!!! Just might be able to get that 1440 going after all!!!!
Kevin, funny thing is, I tossed my PT SS21 in the water this weekend, first launch this year right. Guess what? I just plopped it in the water, and said to myself (you dumb ****, you just told kevin how hard you have to launch the boat, then you plop it in the water :lol: ) And yes, I was in the retrieval boat, as it died in the middle of the back stretch, wouldnt come up. Next launch, gave it a nice toss, and some throttle, and she jumped up about 50 ft out from the bank.
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what did you say to your self

get any Pics of you in the paddel boat :blink:

need a LITTLE balist in it

next weekend

spent a little time in paddle boat my self


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