best mono hulls?


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Jerry took his seaducers to cali one year and cal craft couldnt touch him.
be carefull what you say i was there and yes jerry did a good job with his boats at the 2004 legg lake nationals, this guy is looking for a good .45 boat and at the 2004 namba nationals not a single seaducer in the top 3 of the .45 mono class hmm! also take a look at this years namba nationals and see whats mostly in the winners circle hmm!
Geeze, easy there big guy. :huh:

The original post did say-

Quote by BIGROY- I have a older .45 mono that is getting close to being done I mean tuned on the water but I was thinking of going bigger.

Some of us did the terrible thing and assumed he was looking for a .60 or larger boat when he said "going bigger"- And I will stand behind my statement that Seaducer has the best boat for the application.

How many .45 Seaducers where entered at the 04 Nat's vs CC's ??

And why does it seem the country is split on what hull performs better, the majority of guys that run Seaducers are eastern US- the majority of guys that run CC's are on the west coast ?? :(

Just asking ;)

04 Nats??? I think there were 50 or 60 .40 Monos entered that year. The Top 3 was a nice rounded field. Of the three the Cal Craft was the most popular by a small margin, if that, over Seaducer and the Cal Craft placed 2nd with a perfect score of 4 wins and 1600 pts. Microburst was third and I recall seeing only two of those running and first place was an Aeromarine Titan, also with a perfect score of 4 wins, 1600 pts and fastest time of day which put it on top for the championship. It seems to be the boat to beat at almost every appearance it makes yet there is only and always just one. My guess... people run what's easiest to get running. Since Jerry is on the east coast you will get more people who hear directly from him and get advice first hand on how to set the boat up. The same for the west and Cal Craft.
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Ok guys, I was just wondering who makes the best mono hulls? I have a older .45 mono that is getting close to being done I mean tuned on the water but I was thinking of going bigger. Any thoughts on either a new hull or say older stuff out there would be helpful.

the micrburst is the hull you need not hard to get or set up.If you have any problems they will help you in any way they can you can contact them at (904)460-2961 talk to david
For me I had to find one that fit my driving style. Started with a 3D Rough Stuff 40, then a Viper 45 and now have a Seaducer SD3. You could set 2 of the same type of the same hull side by side and they are not all exactly the same. That is just my humble opinion but if they all came out of the mold the same we would set em up like Jerry said and they would all run the same. I am not picking on Seaducer just saying cause that is nearly the first answer you get on how to set up a Seaducer. I found it more of a preference in how you like to drive the boat and just what that particular hull is going to do. The Viper 45 for instance is not a boat that likes to run lane 1 if set up according to the directions (Loved the boat didnt fit my style of driving). Even the seaducers will slow down in the corner if you run a little too tight on the water. THe 3D on the other hand didnt care what I did (with a surface drive on it) it lost very little speed in the corner lane 1 or lane 20. Since there was no rocker in the spray rail the only control in the corner was the turn fin, rudder and lean angle. I put alot of work in that 3D hull to get it as Flat as possible in the last 8 inches of the hull and it did pay off. If it wasnt for the lifting strakes causing a sever chine walk at 50+ I would probably still be running it. Any of the current and some past designs can win on any given Sunday - How much work you want to put into it is what makes the boat a winner. If you want to just buy it, build it , throw it in the water you got out of it the effort you put in. Just my humble opinion.

For anybody that doesnt know the 3D Rough Stuff 40 was a cut down 52 inch Rough Stuff - very few were actually made by Tom - I have one of each 40" and a 52" Modified.
