best cad software?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2006
Alright guys, whats the best cad software for designing boat stuff? I was thinking of checking out solidworks, but there may be some better ones out there? The easier the better!! I will be teaching myself how to use it.
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it really comes down to how much $$$ you want to spend Rodney,.. If you have a student ID you can get a seat of ProEngineer for a couple hundred. If you are going to look at sport hydro stuff you will want something with a decent surfacing package.. Plus,.. I will do whatever you need till you set up.
after doing some quick research, I cant believe the amount of FREE cad packages out there now days. Most with complete 3D capability's and all. Looks like the only draw back is most dont support after dxf2009. Which would probably be fine for anything I had to do.