Backlash and Motor Size


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Rich Jones

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Nov 9, 2005
So I’m noticing in races around here that there is one class for Gas Sport Hydro when it comes to heat racing. I guess it’s too difficult to build separate classes for 27 and 36. Anyway, as I progress toward wanting to race, I feel like most are running either modded 29.5 or 30 plus motors. I’m currently running a mod 26 from M&D. If you had your choice, would you go 29.5 or 30 plus? I’m looking at the Gizmo motors.
i have a 26 mod in mine from roger payne, honestly runs about 70~72 and handles perfectly. i was at the voodoo nats in may and they had lsg 27 and 36 . m&d makes a great motor. my opinion its plenty fast with the 26
Awwwww. You guys are no fun! 😂. Seriously though, I get it, the boat runs well with the 26. I’ve seen 68-73 on the avg. I had an isolated 77 in choppy water with a huge prop. So, I don’t know we will see. I appreciate your responses!
Awwwww. You guys are no fun! 😂. Seriously though, I get it, the boat runs well with the 26. I’ve seen 68-73 on the avg. I had an isolated 77 in choppy water with a huge prop. So, I don’t know we will see. I appreciate your responses!
With Well build 26 and the right prop and a good set up it will run With the 29 and the 30.
Definitely some fans of the 260 coming out. I agree set up and particularly cornering are huge. I love my 26 don’t get me wrong. Sometimes bigger is better and other times it’s not. I feel sometimes it may just be my perception of speed. My eyes are fixated on the boat and maybe perception of speed is dumbed down a little. I’ll look at videos after the fact and take it all in and it always seems faster watching vs driving. So, 6 to one, half dozen to another. The 26 isn’t going anywhere but I may try a 29.5, we will see.
I have been running nitro O/B tunnels since 1979 and I have never been interested in gas hydro classes but the guys in our club started running them a few years ago and I have become very interested in the Gas Sport Hydro class. It is a LOT of FUN!
I have been running nitro O/B tunnels since 1979 and I have never been interested in gas hydro classes but the guys in our club started running them a few years ago and I have become very interested in the Gas Sport Hydro class. It is a LOT of FUN!
What drew me to it is what drew me to Sport 40 back in the day. It is popular so there’s competition and there’s plenty of support for it in the way of hulls, motors, hardware, etc… AND… they are big and fast. What’s not to like!
Stick with your M&D its just as fast or faster than the big boys, I have ran big blocks. Small blocks hit the RPS that a big block can't touch, unless you do a crawl start you will get them on top end!