Back up Boats


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Green Meany

Active Member
Jun 10, 2006
are there any rules against building and racing scales of backup boats especailly if the are a different hull form the No 1 boat

I plan on building the backup boat for the Elam team. They raced the hull back in late 90's to 2001. It's the all white boat. I'm going to paint it like it was brought out in 2006. I was told that it would not be a problem to race this boat even though it's a back up hull. Then again it did run in the 2006 Gold cup but didn't make the final.
The important thing is what does your racing organization say? The 1 year trial rules change that IMPBA just put in place says:

"All models must be of a real unlimited hydroplane listed in the APBA Master Hull Roster list.

In the event of a question of legality, the burden of proof falls upon the owner to prove the real

boat raced or qualified in a sanctioned event, in the configuration being modeled, via photo

graphic and/or written documentation. Failure to adequately meet the validation requirements

can result in disqualification"
The important thing is what does your racing organization say? The 1 year trial rules change that IMPBA just put in place says:"All models must be of a real unlimited hydroplane listed in the APBA Master Hull Roster list.

In the event of a question of legality, the burden of proof falls upon the owner to prove the real

boat raced or qualified in a sanctioned event, in the configuration being modeled, via photo

graphic and/or written documentation. Failure to adequately meet the validation requirements

can result in disqualification"
Yup, in a nutshell it you just need to show it had to qualify or race & you're good. B)

BTW- I just submitted a change to the above version, there were alot of really neat early vintage boats from smaller teams that spent the entire week leading up to the race trying to qualify (back when it was a week long process) and didn't get in yet the respective U number does appear on the APBA master roster. Here is the new wording I submitted to what we originally wrote-

"All models must be of a real unlimited hydroplane as listed in the APBA Master Hull Roster. The model owner must show the real boat attempted to qualify, qualified or raced in an actual sanctioned racing event, in the configuration being modeled, via photographic and/or written documentation. Failure to adequately meet the validation requirements can result in the model not being allowed to compete in an IMPBA event until proper documentation is obtained"
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There are many popular backup boats ( esp the Bud 80 i think)

These are fine in IMPBA IF they were active( qualified or raced)

The Elam is fine, it did race, and it was White when it raced. You should do the paint and decals like it raced in 2006, not 1999 when it might not have ever hit the water ( I confess that I don't know the history of that hull well)

NAMBA might be different, but that is where IMPBA is today.

Good Luck

