Average price for boats


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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2004
How much is the average price for nitro unlimited hydros and cats? can you give me any links?
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Click on a box at this site:


As for a rough price on a good hydro. My Thunder Boat Reproduction 1/8 scale hull with paint job of the 2002 Oh Boy! Oberto hull, radio box, turn fin, fuel tanks installed and a driver was $1000. To complete it will be another $1000+ dollars ;) By the way, tracking number shows it'll be here this Wedsnesday! That took Dick Casparian about 1 1/2 years to build for me.
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The price PER Boat varies widely, Depending on Hull, and hardware and engine you put in it, you can go from 800-1500 very easly.

Best bet before you buy a boat, or any boat, go out and watch them and see them run in water conditions, decided then what hull works good in the water your going to run in. A boat may handle well alone out there, but if you get others making waves, it can change the whole attuide of the boat.

Cats what i have seen, is the AC blast cat is a good rough water cat.

If you get a race cat hull, it may get alittle hairy in rough water.

WHOA! 2000 dollars! im going to have to wait until i get a job to buy one of those. thanks for the links
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