Arcadian unlimited


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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
Does anyone know if the Arcadian ulimited is a legal 1/8th scale?


Marcelle Belville design and built

owner / driver - Jim Hauenstein

power plants - 8 - 6 cylinder Mercury power heads coupled by a pully system

had to be towed onto the course in order to start so it didn't hose down the pit area

I saw it at it's first test session in Dayton Ohio and then at the first race at Miami in 1987

Jim V
Does anyone know if the Arcadian ulimited is a legal 1/8th scale?

Marcelle Belville design and built

owner / driver - Jim Hauenstein

power plants - 8 - 6 cylinder Mercury power heads coupled by a pully system

had to be towed onto the course in order to start so it didn't hose down the pit area

I saw it at it's first test session in Dayton Ohio and then at the first race at Miami in 1987

Jim V

I have video from Miami in 1987 trying to launch, and finally running, very "torquey", quite a sight to see all those engines trying to start at once. The guys in the launch boat must have been thrilled, and wet.

It is listed on the APBA/NAMBA master hull roster #8686
Does anyone know if the Arcadian ulimited is a legal 1/8th scale?

Marcelle Belville design and built

owner / driver - Jim Hauenstein

power plants - 8 - 6 cylinder Mercury power heads coupled by a pully system

had to be towed onto the course in order to start so it didn't hose down the pit area

I saw it at it's first test session in Dayton Ohio and then at the first race at Miami in 1987

Jim V

I have video from Miami in 1987 trying to launch, and finally running, very "torquey", quite a sight to see all those engines trying to start at once. The guys in the launch boat must have been thrilled, and wet.

It is listed on the APBA/NAMBA master hull roster #8686
Does anyone know if the Arcadian ulimited is a legal 1/8th scale?

Marcelle Belville design and built

owner / driver - Jim Hauenstein

power plants - 8 - 6 cylinder Mercury power heads coupled by a pully system

had to be towed onto the course in order to start so it didn't hose down the pit area

I saw it at it's first test session in Dayton Ohio and then at the first race at Miami in 1987

Jim V

I have video from Miami in 1987 trying to launch, and finally running, very "torquey", quite a sight to see all those engines trying to start at once. The guys in the launch boat must have been thrilled, and wet.

It is listed on the APBA/NAMBA master hull roster #8686

The guy who was given the task of towing it (in a zodiac) was not thrilled. I'll post a few photos of it sometime soon.

That is a really nice photo of the boat on the trailer. I never got to see it on tilt. By the time I got to Dayton for the test they were lifting it off the trailer. The last test run was as the sun went down. In Miami, they were already in the pits working when I got there. When did you take that? After Miami?

I'm looking for something a litle different for 1/8 scale hydro. It's either this or the U27 Eliminator from '87.

Saw her try to qualify in the Tri Cities and she didn't and I don't think she ever did. But what a sound on the straight away. Must have been a real headache for the crew to work on the engines.
So is the ARCADIAN legal or not for 8th Scale competition? This boat always intriged me
So is the ARCADIAN legal or not for 8th Scale competition? This boat always intriged me
I would contact Al Water about that, even though it's on the roster, several different boats were given 2 year deal to introduce something new to the unlimited class, Texmo,Arcadian, Arronow Special and probably a few others.
It is a legal boat. As the NAMBA rule states:

All boats will be models of past or present American Power Boat Association

Unlimited Hydroplanes that are listed on the Scale Unlimited Hydroplane Master

Hull Roster.

In order to be listed as an APBA registered boat it had to race, attempt to qualify or run in an official test session at a race.

By the way that part of the NAMBA Scale rules has been ammended as APBA is no longer the governing body for Unlimited Hydroplane racing as of 2004.
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Does any one have any pictures of the bottom? Also the master hull rooster is kept by RCU and all boats are listed I beleive but in RCU a boat has to have made a legal start to be legal. I may be wrong but that is the way I remember it being explained to me ages ago.
Does any one have any pictures of the bottom? Also the master hull rooster is kept by RCU and all boats are listed I beleive but in RCU a boat has to have made a legal start to be legal. I may be wrong but that is the way I remember it being explained to me ages ago.
I'm digging up photos of the boat. I have a few, of it being lifted off the trailer. I don't know if it shows much detail of the bottom. It was a pretty standard type Bellville hull so the bottom is probably nothing special. I don't believe it had any tunnel or engine cockpit protrusions. The bottoms were pretty flat. The sponsons were fairly short and had lots of curve towards the nose with shingles / steps. I'll post them soon.

Jim V
I just checked the 2004 R/C Unlimiteds rule book and found the only thing being that a particular boat must be on the hull roster, but no mention of required starts.
I just checked the 2004 R/C Unlimiteds rule book and found the only thing being that a particular boat must be on the hull roster, but no mention of required starts.

It is a legal boat in RCU. Whether or not it would be in NAMBA is really up to NAMBA (Al?).

Our requirement is that it appeared at an unlimited event. Whether or not it was able to qualify does not matter. I saw the boat run several times at Seattle, San Diego and Las Vegas. I think it did a lap at 110 at one of those races, but when I look it up at Lesliefields site it says it never qualified. So maybe I remember incorrectly. I'll tell you when they stepped on the gas to try and get up on plane and all eight engines were spewing up those exhaust pipes on the deck, it was quite a sight, and sound, as you might imagine.
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It is a legal boat. As the NAMBA rule states:
All boats will be models of past or present American Power Boat Association

Unlimited Hydroplanes that are listed on the Scale Unlimited Hydroplane Master

Hull Roster.

In order to be listed as an APBA registered boat it had to race, attempt to qualify or run in an official test session at a race.

By the way that part of the NAMBA Scale rules has been ammended as APBA is no longer the governing body for Unlimited Hydroplane racing as of 2004.
Mike, you may want to rephrase that, the APBA Gold Cup, which the APBA retains that sanction and ownership.

You are correct in that APBA maintains the sanction for the Gold Cup but they are not the governing body over Unlimited Hydroplane racing after the 2004 race season and even that is questionable since several races were "OUTLAW" races not sanctioned by APBA. They currently have no say on what happens on the rest of the circuit. The boat owners and the current head of the ABRA Sam Cole do. Up until 2004 there were several circuit names, URC, UHRA, HYDRO-PROP and so on. They were all subserviant to APBA and their sanction and rules. That now is not the case except for the Gold Cup.

If there is a boat that races on other circuit stops and doesn't race the Gold Cup for whatever reason, damaged etc, it wouldn't be a legal boat as the NAMBA rule was. At my request, the Board voted to ammend it so that boats from 2004 to date could be legal. If you follow the letter of the previous NAMBA rule any boat that hadn't raced at the Gold Cup would not be legal.

By the way guys Al passed the torch of NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman to me as of November of 06 so if you have any questions regarding the eligibility of a boat gimme a holler.

By the way Joe your discs left today.
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I wish to apologize that I did not make the announcement here earlier about Mike McKnight taking over as NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman. I always said that I knew who to go to if boaters had a question. Now you can go right to the "go to" guy.

There were about a half dozen people who wanted the job. I was looking for someone who would go outside their district to scale races, had a good knowledge of unlimiteds, could add a lot to the class, would be going to the 2007 NAMBA Nats (is the Co-Contest Director good enough?), and would contribute articles to the NAMBA Propwash. Mike does it all. I do have to say that I feel good what Mike has posted is what I would have posted also.


Al Waters
I wish to apologize that I did not make the announcement here earlier about Mike McKnight taking over as NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman. I always said that I knew who to go to if boaters had a question. Now you can go right to the "go to" guy.
There were about a half dozen people who wanted the job. I was looking for someone who would go outside their district to scale races, had a good knowledge of unlimiteds, could add a lot to the class, would be going to the 2007 NAMBA Nats (is the Co-Contest Director good enough?), and would contribute articles to the NAMBA Propwash. Mike does it all. I do have to say that I feel good what Mike has posted is what I would have posted also.


Al Waters

For those of you who are interested, I just posted 3 shots of the boat from Miami. Shows the boat when they finally got it running on plane. Also what they went through to start it.
