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Charles Perdue

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2005
Tom, I would like to apologize to you and everyone on IW for my childish post. I cannot imagine what it must be like on your end with having 6,000 plus children with some of us rotten ones thrown into the bunch to keep things stirred up. Even thought most of my childish post were meant to be humorous, when reading back over them, they do not always come off that way.

I will do better, just please do not shut International Waters down, I do not know what I would do without it. I live back in the "Boonies" and there is no one else here to even talk boats to, much less having someone to run with.

Charles Perdue
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Tom, I would like to apologize to you and everyone on IW for my childish post. I cannot imagine what it must be like on your end with having 5,000 plus children with some of us rotten ones thrown into the bunch to keep things stirred up. Even thought most of my childish post were meant to be humorous, when reading back over them, they do not always come off that way.

I will do better, just please do not shut International Waters down, I do not know what I would do without it. I live back in the "Boonies" and there is no one else here to even talk boats to, much less having someone to run with.

Charles Perdue

I also live in the BOONIES, I drive at least 100 miles to race, and this site does a great job of getting information out to all boaters.Tom please do not shut this site down, just sit some people down for a time and let them COOL OFF.

Walt Barney
I too would like to offer my apologies to Tom and everyone here for getting caught up in it and not thinking before typing . Just plain foolish , guilty as charged , it will not happen again . Dunce hat on .......
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If not for intlwaters I would not be in RC boating.

Almost all I know has bin learn from this forum.

It would be a great loss to the RC boating community if it where to shut down.

I have had my moments on here and do apologize for that.

Will keep my comments to a better input from now on.

We all have a ego it comes with the competition of racing.

Sorry if I have offended any one that was never my intent.

Lord knows I'm guilty as well, Its easy to get caught up in crap sometimes(esp for me-lol)

I will log out and walk away in the future, its not worth loosing this site. You do an awesome job here Tom , you dont need to babysit the adults here on top of that. I'm sorry ........

Not sure what I missed, but this site ROCKS! The others are nothing compared to this site. Leave it up Tom and thanks for your hard work!

Most of the boaters on IW are very competitive racers. Many of us simply use the forums to not only keep up with whats going on in our world of toy boat racing, but to keep some of the competitive "fluff" going on between us between races as well. I see the phrase " keyboard racer" being used way too much. In economic times like these, this may be more the truth than many of us realize and may be the only form of racing some past boaters can experience at this time. I have to catch myself sometimes by realizing this forum is kind of like texting. Reading them sometimes gives you the impression that the scope of the message is much harsher that it was intended. Like many other fellow boaters on this site, if the "jousting" back and forth was taken any other way, I am sorry as well. I guess we don't realize how you may be slammed with PM's behind the scenes, during some of these altercations.

One thing you can take to the bank. No matter how much "jousting" takes place back and forth, I am positive, "ANY boater on here would do ANYTHING they could to help a fellow boater ANYTIME they needed it", I am sure of that.............. ;)

Your forum makes that possible. Thanks.......... :D
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I to must have mist something been working 15 hour days ,But i also hope this dose not shut down,So many good guys and gals on here.I to got hooked on boats cus of il waters..I thanck you tom for the forum .
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i apologize to you TOM. As a admin here on IW i have deleted post and topics,banned members, PM members,received PM's, got Text messages, calls ect ect ect. about post complaints. Don F and I have been talking since i have been here in Afghan about whats been going on. I have tried along with Don to solve some of the issues on here but we cant police everything. i guess i have not been doing a good job at it. For me to call Don Ferrette from afghanistan and talk about things we should do or take actions about post that are made on IW says how much i am commited to IW but i have failed in this task and for that i apologize.

Should the Forum be shut Down my answer is NO its not fair to the members that have nothing to do with the issues we are having currently on the forum. Should all the Admins get together, Identify the problems,come up with a plan collectively and fix the problem YES..

Im not a angel, im not the best person in the world, im not perfect,im not the best racer,i dont know everything,i am not better than other members on here,i am competitive,i make mistakes,im not always right, i care about this site and the hobby lets get together, identify the problems, Fix the problems.

My 2 cents

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i apologize to you TOM. As a admin here on IW i have deleted post and topics,banned members, PM members,received PM's, got Text messages, calls ect ect ect. about post complaints. Don F and I have been talking since i have been here in Afghan about whats been going on. I have tried along with Don to solve some of the issues on here but we cant police everything. i guess i have not been doing a good job at it. For me to call Don Ferrette from afghanistan and talk about things we should do or take actions about post that are made on IW says how much i am commited to IW but i have failed in this task and for that i apologize.

Should the Forum be shut Down my answer is NO its not fair to the members that have nothing to do with the issues we are having currently on the forum. Should all the Admins get together, Identify the problems,come up with a plan collectively and fix the problem YES..

Im not a angel, im not the best person in the world, im not perfect,im not the best racer,i dont know everything,i am not better than other members on here,i am competitive,i make mistakes,im not always right, i care about this site and the hobby lets get together, identify the problems, Fix the problems.

My 2 cents

Great Post J

I agree with Greg, Julian. Your comment about shutting down the forum is exactly what I was thinking when I tried to log in earlier and found the forum shut down. Your last sentence I think covers all of the membership as well, me included.

Tom, this site has had a profound influence on many of the members that have learned from the more experienced boaters. To lose this forum would not only hurt the new boaters, it would cost all of us a source of knowledge and assistance that many have come to depend on


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I missed something it must have been a biggy for tom to think of shutting this down . Tom U have been great and this site has done helped so many . Headakes r many time short . IT WOULD BE A MAJOR LOSS TO US IN THIS SPORT ON THE OTHER HAND WE IN THIS SPORT NEED TO RESPECT TOM'S CHOICE . EITHER WAY U HAVE BEEN GREAT THANK'S ADAM

Hate to see your hard work and dedication compromised by any actions on my part. Could not reply yesterday as site was shut down. If it would help I would be fine with you removing me from your forum. Your call there and I am sorry my reactions and emotions trumped common sense.

Mic Halbrehder
Wow, a lot of us were at Hobart when we heard that the site was shut down for a while so we were bugging Don and Paul to find out what was going on! They were somewhat clueless so it was a guessing game.

Hopefully all of those involved got it out of their systems.