Anyone savy with 401k investing?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2006
Curious if anyone here is savy with 401k investments. If so, feel free to PM me if you would like to share some knowledge. I have 7 plans that i can allocate funds to, but am a little bit lost.

If I dont come up with a plan myself, Ill get a financial planner involved, but would love to hear what some people have had success with.
I would look into Roth account Rodney, pay your taxes now and not worry about it later.
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Feel free to give me a call. I'm a Financial Advisor. Phil

Office 314 849 3027.
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Cash my friend it dont get any better than that, and it is untraceable and access under the mattress is always great. I keep mine in a fire proof safe, this way I know where it is at all times.

When just saving the cash, you cant take advantage of your employers match...... I am in communications with Phil at the moment. He is getting me squared away. Thanks guys!!