Any Classic thunder guys, need info for building 1/10 scale


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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2008
Hey there , Im planning to build a 1/10 scale hydroplane and Im looking for you Classic thunder guys to give me some advice. Im going to use newton plans scale down. What would be the best materials to use ? what motor and esc would be good, I was going to use the UL1 but if that to much what be better, what batterys be good. Im mostly building them for fun something to take to the lake. Any info would be great. I want to build one of these hydros Like to have a round nose and a new hydro



1/32 Plywood and some 1/8th spruce sticks for the stringers. for the frames I used 1/32 ply and 1/8th spruce to ad glue surface or you might try 1/8th light plywood foe the frames and cut lightning holes where you can. (2)5000mah lipos 25c or higher for batteries. You could get one of the SV27 motors and ECS or the UL-1 or look on the CT page and get one of the Scorpion out runners they are using this year.

Jim Clark
I would agree with Jim on this one, with 1/16th ply for the bottom, sponson insides and runners. I wouldn't go with lite ply as it's just balsa with birch facing. You might consider using 3/16ths ply for the transoms if you think 1/8th is too lite. Just remember, weight is not your friend in an electric boat so build as lite as you can. One more thing to remember is to modify the sponsons so that they have a 6 degree AOA for better running