Another pipe question...


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Doug Ashby

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
I'm running an 1/8 scale with a P250s prop, with a .67 CMB purple head, and a brand new AB 67 muffled pipe.

What is the best measurement for me, and where do you measure from and to?

I run in the pacific northwest.

Also, there are no welds on the pipe.

By the way, CMDI is starting to roll out the pipes..

Here in Florida we are running at 12" That is measured from the center of the cylinder, along the length of the pipe, to it's widest point. We are running Prather S255 props

With a S250 you should be able to bring your pipe in alttle, say 11-3/4"

If you have trouble getting the boat up on pipe after a slow mill, go back out towards 12"

How heavy is the boat your working on?

Doug I see you are in Tacoma and have a lot of scales. Are you racing with UNW? I know you aren't with RCU.

You should join one of the local clubs and come out and race with us. There is a wealth of knowledge in the clubs and most members are extremely helpful.

We will be racing in Tacoma at the end of June. At the very east come on Seturday, test day, bring your boat and meet the folks.

BTW. One thing I learned real early in this hobby is to ask for advice. And importantly, ask for advice from someone who is succesful. If you go to a race and one guys boat is always out there floating in the middle of the course, and the **** Brandts are winning every race, ask the Brandts for advice, not the guy who's boat is out there floating.

I do incredibly well for someone who is mechanically inept, but I have chosen to get advice and help from the people who are the best. They know what they are doing and they have the time and desire to help.

If you come look up Lee Robertson, Bill and David Brandt, Gary Jensen and David Newton. That's where you will get the most help
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Thanks for the advice. I know what you mean about asking the wrong people.

I am with UNW. You've got the Brandts, we've got the Arenas. Geez, those guys are fast.

I was asking about the pipe because that is the last thing that exists from the original set-up. Everything else has been changed or modified. I hope things will go better this weekend. either that or I may just run the Bud into the nearest tree and start over.

I have a few hulls because I have always been a hydro-nerd, and have always liked the modeling aspect of the hobby.

I noticed the Tacoma race on your schedule. I think you already have someone running the T-2. is that you? I will probably come out any way, just to smell the nitro....
Thanks for the advice. I know what you mean about asking the wrong people. I am with UNW. You've got the Brandts, we've got the Arenas. Geez, those guys are fast.

I was asking about the pipe because that is the last thing that exists from the original set-up. Everything else has been changed or modified. I hope things will go better this weekend. either that or I may just run the Bud into the nearest tree and start over.

I have a few hulls because I have always been a hydro-nerd, and have always liked the modeling aspect of the hobby.

I noticed the Tacoma race on your schedule. I think you already have someone running the T-2. is that you? I will probably come out any way, just to smell the nitro....
The T-2 hasn't been seen at a race for over 5 years. Maybe somebody has it registered, I will check out and see who. I run the T-3 which is making it's 2007 debut this weekend. I have been running rent a boats so far this year. Borrowed boats from Don Mock and Jeff Snell. If you need a rent a boat I don't think you can do much better than those ones.

Glad to see you are with UNW. Both clubs have some great and helpful people.

Same thing with the people on this site, all very smart and helpful. I think someone thought I was slighting their advice in this thread with my comments. Not the case at all. I was more remarking about our own club and how some of the new guys are intimidated to go ask the good guys for help and instead try and get advice from people who can't keep their own boats running. All they can teach you is how to make your boat run poorly too. Plus the good guys enjoy givng advice.
Hi Doug, I tried all last year to get my AB67 muffled pipe to work on my CMB greenhead. I see it working for other guys but I

couldn't get it going. I switched to a CMB 67 fat pipe and the boat runs alot better. I couldn't get enough

pressure to the fuel tanks with the AB pipe.
