Anderson Sintra 700


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Apr 7, 2007
G'day everyone

A mate of mine has given me a Sintra boat to fix.

It is a Sintra 700 twin power model; all I've found so far is they only seem to be available in Europe.

Anyhow, It has 2 x batteries, 2 x motors driving a single prop.

The micro switches are no good, but I do not trust the way it was wired in the first place. Does any one have some info as to the connection of the 3 x micro switches??

The throttle servo has a cam on the horn

Reverse uses 1 x switch, forward uses the other 2 x in combination.

Please help!!! :( :(
OK, this much I'v'e worked out myself....reverse and forward, only need one or two batteries in PARALLEL.

I read too much into it thinking series/parallel. The forward switches are single throw, single pole (hence the need for 2 x to change motor polarity).

Reverse just connects motor negative, using the N/C of one of the forward switches to complete the positive side of the circuit. ( I knew the ol' sparky in me would come out eventually)

forwards is a reverse polarity set up ( like a power windows switch, duh!)

So if just one battery is used, same results. 2 x batteires (and 2 motors) is always better than one, right????

So, after throwing away lots of scrap paper, I have come up with this. Just so no one has the hassles I had.

I had an MRP hydro that used the same set up. The two forward switches are a low speed and high speed. I had to buy a new one but cant remember where I got it from. Try a search on the web for That MRP hydro and you may find what you need. I hope this helps. Ryon