AJM-Rev 2 .21 rigger build


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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2006
Figured I would document my rigger build here as well. I have gotten the tub sides laminated together, and the insert in the turn fin side sponson. Also have the inner and outer skins glued on. Used some 10 lb density foam that we use in the sign industry, and cut a bunch of lightening holes in it. Very very dense and strong foam. Anyhow, here are a couple of pictures:




Gil, working on it slowly each night. Couple weeks and she will be ready Im sure. But, its getting close to winter here, so wont be on the water until next year.
Rodney I had forgotten that you will be in winter soon but that's not really a problem ..just enjoy your building and post more pics.

Today i tested one of my carbon pipes .....now with aluminium inserts to reinforce the section near the header on a Jae 21 and I'm very pleased with the result.Next twesday it's a holiday here(Republic's day) and I will have a video to be posted .

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Well, got more done today on the rigger. Got the sponson's all skinned. Just have to sand down the edges on the front non trips and then add the nose blocks. Also got most of the tub assembled. Still need to glue the front bottom skin on, after I shape the foam. Also need to stop at the hobby store and get some 1/4 x 1/4 balsa or basswood sticks to reinforce the tub sides. Also took some pictures of the hardware that I made for this boat. Sponson's came out a little heavier then i wanted, but thats OK. They are very very strong.





I will upload a few new pictures tonight. I got the triangle stock in, and the inside sealed with epoxy last night. nose blocks on the sponsons and sanded. Tonight I will be sheeting the top deck.
Its clear how this is going to turn out. Sweet!Love the inserts for the sponsons. Is that part of the jae kit or is that your design?What motor will you run?
Alright, here are a few more pictures. The epoxy isnt as heavy as it appears in the bottom, its just picking up light something fierce from above. Anyhow, also made a nice flat washer and tapped the turn fin pin, so it can be bolted to the outer skin of the sponson, to try and help it further from pulling out, if it was going too. Anyhow, onto the pictures:






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