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What a tragic accident.. God bless the surviving families... and the pilot and Jane.. they were an amazing pair to watch.. But they died doing what they TRULY LOVED!! On one of the H/D vids you could clearly see the aileron on opposite wing at full deflection... Pilot had control,something went really wrong with plane... more apt to blame elevator, pushing on stick while inverted puts much stress on tail surfaces.. either way they will be missed... and many more pilots will continue to push it to the limit because they love their planes and the thrill... And I will continue to watch the pilots doing their routines... Pray to god I never witness an event like this...
Andy, i just watched the video again, and you're right.... even when she was setting herself up, she was on the leading edge the whole time....Richard, good point on the elevator.....the thing that hits me is that the plane never leveled out after initiating the roll, and loss of elevator, or aileron control could have caused the aicraft to do what it did....dont think he stalled it. The NTSB released a preliminary report....said it could take months to find out why it happened.