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Hillary will let the UN govern you and you will have NO Constitutional Rights what so ever.
Your comment surprises me Mark... you are a small business owner. Then I had a chance to think about it, and it makes sense. You work on so many Left-Handed props, it has had to have gone to your head at some point. Please keep the safety equipment on! I think the answer is certainly somewhere in the middle... and respect the discussion from each side. Thanks to all who have served to let us have this conversation!


David Jensen
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Why do I need help? This is real. This is happening. Right in front of our faces. "We, the people" are not so slowly being reprogrammed into "We, the sheeple." The mindless masses are being told that when someone actually sees what is going on, that THEY are the ones who need help! WOW!

We are soon to not be allowed to buy incandescent light bulbs anymore and thus forced to buy a foreign made product because the EPA will not allow CFL's to be manufactured domestically. We share our atmosphere with China. Why are we not allowed to manufacture something we are allowed to buy from a foreign source? Why is this so hard to figure out? Simple: The impending ban on incandescent bulbs is by no means a matter of environmental preservation.

This is only one of many examples of the intentional undermining of our Nations' global foot hold by the very people who we are supposed to trust to at least maintain, if not strengthen, that very foot hold. This has been going on for decades, but has really been put into overdrive since homey took office. Undeniable FACT.

I mention the Jefferson Clause because it's what it took to free the grip the English Empire thought they had on the Colonies that were to become this Great Nation we had. We are beyond the point of voting for the right leaders, because the wrong leaders have a larger audience to appeal to, who all think the wealthy should support them. The leaders-to-be tell them lies, that only a moron would believe, and those morons go the polls with a free ride on their minds. More than half the voting populous actually believe what homey is telling them. That the top 5%, while carrying 90% of the financial load, are still not suffering enough.

For all those who work for someone else, the next time you are told that a raise is not in the budget, before you accuse him of being a greedy SOB, think about how much of your income your employer is paying in corporate taxes. For every dime you pay, he's paying the same, plus his own, plus that of the company's. For every dime you pay toward your Social Security, he pays the same, on YOUR behalf, plus his own (at twice the rate, BTW). This SS is being used to pay for everything under the sun but what it is intended for. Health care for illegal immigrants. Unemployment benefits for people who don't want a job. Welfare for people who likely never HAD a job, just like their parents.

I have recently, not by choice, become self employed. I have yet to actually address the issue of taxes, just because of the timing of it. It sickens me to think about the fact that, while I'm making way more than I was while on the clock, it will likely not be enough when I start setting aside taxes, even though I was having taxes taken out of my payroll before. So I will be being punished for taking it upon myself to provide for myself instead of just filing for unemployment, which I am fully entitled to by law. It doesn't add up. And, to think, they (the liberals) came up with the phrase "fuzzy math" in reference to GHW Bush's economic plan. Think about it.

Think about it. Before you complain that your life sucks and how much better if would be if you had some of "that guys" money, ask yourself if you'd have gone to the effort that he went through to earn that money if you thought your government was going to take a large portion of it to give to someone who hadn't gone to all that effort, and just complained about how much better their life would be if they just had some of "that guys" money. Think about it.

The only way to repair our economy is by supporting the employers of this Great Nation. The ONLY way. NOT by punishing them for becoming an employer instead of just riding along like everybody else.

Homey is never going to make the poor wealthy. Or anything other than poor, for that matter. He can't. He is, however, intent on making the wealthy poor.

Think about it. REALLY. Think..... about........... it........ It's obvious that more than half of us don't.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros

Model Machine And Precision LLC
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I don't know you and I don't know Mark. Mark is right about you needing help though. I was self employed for 10 years and your concept of the dire financial mess you are in is not true. I'll be more specific than Mark and tell you you need a good accountant. While its obvious you don't like the Fuzzy math comment of the liberals, your concept of taxes for the self employed is flawed and your plight of making way more money now may be more palatable if you talk to someone who understands the way things really work. Good luck in your new endeavor!! Its a better way to go than you think.
Good poetry Don. The sad part is that America has turned it's back on God and turned towards money greed. This is what will destroy America from within,it's not a matter of if it's gonna happen but when. The soldiers and veterans of this nation should rise up and coup! Our children's future is murky at best.
If we want to make this country great again, we need to get the big companies to stop outsourcing to other countries and put our own citizens back to work. If you look at replacement parts for your cars, how many are made in the US? Most are now made in Mexico and overseas. Many of the parts are made using US made stamps and dies that were sent out of the country to save the manufacturer money, translated to mean a bigger profit. Very few machine shops are still in business in my area, a big change from 20 years ago when there was several. Lets not point fingers at just the government as they are not the only ones at fault.

I'm not upset about being self-employed. It's been the plan all along, just not quite so soon. I wasn't prepared for the leap into NET 30, 45, 60 and more. Once I get past that, I think I'll be OK. I have just been told by several small shop owners that I knew before they started their shops that they'd be fine if it weren't for the taxes. One of them actually opened his books for me and showed me. The company (he and one employee) was paying more in taxes than the salary he paid himself, then he paid his own taxes.

About me needing a good accountant: Sign me up! I'll be the first to admit that I am probably the last person that should be managing a business. I've fairly well got my head around the labor side of the job, but the management side is sadly lacking. I'm just hoping that the school of hard knocks isn't too hard on me and I get the business side of the business down before it's too late. I wish my wife had time to do it for me, but she's in school to get her RN and doesn't have time for anything else.

I don't really mind paying the taxes. I understand that the Gov't needs funds to operate on. Hardware to buy, roads to build, soldiers to pay, and so on. It's the idiotic things they use the money for that pisses me off. We can't seem to sustain the "hand-out" offices we have in place now, and homey is wanting to open more of them and keep them open longer so that we can keep more people suckling on the teat and voting for the liberals. I also don't mind giving help to someone who's really trying to get their feet back under them and get them back to helping push the train. But right now we have more people riding the train than pushing it, and homey seems to want even more on the train than behind it.

I'm really just waiting for the post-Obama recovery period to begin. I don't think Biden is going to be able to take the office, but then I never thought that there would be enough morons to put homey through for a second term, either. Lets just hope the Conservatives can find the right candidate to motivate the educated populous to vote.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros

Model Machine And Precision LLC

I couldn't agree more. I see this every day. The majority of my customers are special machine builders. One in particular sends every machine they build to some middle-earth Asian country, because THEIR customer is based there (domestically owned). While they can't seem to find people that can make a machine to the tolerances required to operate correctly, they can find hundreds of people who are perfectly willing to operate said machine for $7 a week.

I will say this, though. It's not entirely a matter of greed. For many domestic MFR's, it's a matter of survival. Between the taxes and the growing Gov't acceptance for foreign outsourcing, the profit margin is getting razor thin. Employers are expecting employees to work more hours instead of hiring more employees because of the taxes and benefits they pay on behalf of their employees.

The majority of the outsourcing headache this country is suffering from originates in Gov't policies that have created the need for outsourcing. Between this and the Unions' stranglehold making it nearly impossible to operate in a profitable manner, also supported by the current regime, we don't stand a chance. Like I said before, this has been going on for decades, but it has seriously accelerated in the last couple years.

Yes, our administration needs to make it nearly impossible to profit from outsourcing. Instead, they are encouraging it. If I had my way about it, there would be about a 50% tariff on all imported goods, 75% on goods imported by a domestic owned company. This money would then be distributed to companies who buy from, employ and sell exclusively domestic. We can make everything we need right here in the Good Ol' U. S. of A. EVERYTHING. During this country's glory days, that that's EXACTLY what we did. Why it seems to be so difficult to understand this is beyond me.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros

Model Machine And Precision LLC
WOW thy are coming to take us away HA HA HE HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get a grip. you have no control over what happens. If you think you do well happy thoughts.

The ones making the dissections are all bought and paid for with more money involved than any of us will ever see.

Do you think the ones with the money will let the ones in control hamper there ability to make more money?

We the people have lost control many many decades ago. You are all just along for the ride enjoy it or then again don't and be a miserable F the rest of your life.

I think you need some help? David I like the way you think.

The world is just changing, and some don't like the changes. I don't like them all either.

If you don't like the direction of the changes get involved and try to make a difference.

Not many even care to vote anymore so this is one of the many reasons of our changes.

Clean up Congress and Special Interest Groups and vote for someone who cares about the future.

Hillary will make some changes.

This Would Be A Great Start,

Mark Sholund
Hillary? Are you kidding me? God help the USA if she's elected.
I find its best to ask yourself what makes sense.. If its sounds like propaganda then it likely is. If its sounds too good to be true it like is.

Just practical thoughts.. Im not defending or denouncing anything here. I choose .. what’s realistic, and what makes sense as my guide.

And MANY, MANY people died and dedicated to allow me that. To show them respect (my view) I choose not to bitch but rather take time to understand best I can and vote.

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