A Plan To Ban All Firearms In The US


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When things don’t make since you have to ask. Really?

I dont subscribe to this AT ALL!...

The gun industry is HUGE.. the tax revenue from licensing and permits is MASSIVE. Some states use "guns" and there owners to "CONTROL" animal populations.

Sorry.. just not buying this at all…

What you need to do is subscribe to is the "Enquirer". Every bit of news is true there. For the rest of you that think pro wraslin is a real sport, listen to Grim. The sky isn't falling. Guns are not ever going to be confiscated. Reasonable people need to differentiate "self defense" and "sporting weapons" from "assault weapons". If you don't weed out the bad eggs in your group everyone pays the price. It's easy to talk big about weapons. The day you have someone shoot back with the intent to kill you and the rest of your platoon,and see someone get hit your opinion will change. I own one gun and hope never to use it. Sorry the backlash of a free election makes me sick. I was dissapointed when Bush Jr. got a second term but I went back to work and paid my taxes and lived to vote another day. History will decide who was right. The plane that set me down in Da Nang years ago was reloaded with guys going home and some were in body bags. Those guys won't ever vote in an election. Jullian knows what I am talking about.

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I had the same problem with the 2 choices as Mr. Wood...i just couldnt get excited or optimistic about either one...Ron Paul would have got me going, but it didnt happen. Either our system is broken, or its so corrupt with power and money that it simply cant work, right down to the local level....my son ran for County Comissioner against a woman who doesnt even have a job, married into a mini dynasty of landowners, and has little to no experience in running county affairs. Though he fought the good fight with the help of his family, who are at best average income earners, but go to work every day, he came up short and basically lost to a name and money..this isnt sour grapes as i am incredibley PROUD of my son and my family who did thier best to support him in any way they could, it is for the most how the system works...and thats the problem in of itself. As far as guns go, there are too many of them, they are too easy for the wrong people to aquire, and too many innocent people lose thier lives,ESPECIALLY CHILDREN...guns and EGOS are a bad mix, and this country had too many of BOTH! Before someone accuses me of being the "L" word, i own a gun, and wouldnt give a second thought to EMPTING INTO ANYONE WHO WOULD TRY TO DO HARM TO ANYONE IN MY FAMILY....i just pray that ill never have to. I believe in the right to bare arms, and i suppose id have to fight against anyone who would try to take that right from me, BUT, i strongly feel there has to be some kind of regs or controls to at least ATTEMPT to keep them out of the wrong hands, which im all too aware seems virtually impossible...but remember this, the next child or family member to be killed by a gun may well one of your own....this is not fear mongering...this is a FACT! Just look at the shootings in our OWN KIDS SCHOOLS! I ask any of you, how can this be STOPPED?
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When things don’t make since you have to ask. Really?

I dont subscribe to this AT ALL!...

The gun industry is HUGE.. the tax revenue from licensing and permits is MASSIVE. Some states use "guns" and there owners to "CONTROL" animal populations.

Sorry.. just not buying this at all…

What you need to do is subscribe to is the "Enquirer". Every bit of news is true there. For the rest of you that think pro wraslin is a real sport, listen to Grim. The sky isn't falling. Guns are not ever going to be confiscated. Reasonable people need to differentiate "self defense" and "sporting weapons" from "assault weapons". If you don't weed out the bad eggs in your group everyone pays the price. It's easy to talk big about weapons. The day you have someone shoot back with the intent to kill you and the rest of your platoon,and see someone get hit your opinion will change. I own one gun and hope never to use it. Sorry the backlash of a free election makes me sick. I was dissapointed when Bush Jr. got a second term but I went back to work and paid my taxes and lived to vote another day. History will decide who was right. The plane that set me down in Da Nang years ago was reloaded with guys going home and some were in body bags. Those guys won't ever vote in an election. Jullian knows what I am talking about.

Mic trust me i know very well the feeling shared a plane with 15 fallen soldiers i will never forget that day..
Well if I guess if some lowlife piece of **** breaks into my house instead of shooting him I will have to stab him with a butter knife, could take a while for him to die, know if I had a gun "game over". I am really thinking about moving to Mexico City or Rio De Janiero, at least you can own a gun, what the hell is this guy thinking "Ban all guns" I see the next revolution happening, and the Next great depression happening right behind that. I guess when I loose my job, my house, and Health insurance, I know who to blame??? We all all so screwed enjoy the next four years of poverty, and complete disappointment.

Well if I guess if some lowlife piece of **** breaks into my house instead of shooting him I will have to stab him with a butter knife, could take a while for him to die, know if I had a gun "game over". I am really thinking about moving to Mexico City or Rio De Janiero, at least you can own a gun, what the hell is this guy thinking "Ban all guns" I see the next revolution happening, and the Next great depression happening right behind that. I guess when I loose my job, my house, and Health insurance, I know who to blame??? We all all so screwed enjoy the next four years of poverty, and complete disappointment.

I isn't so much the low life piece of **** breaking into your house that should worry you, as it is when the troops come and order you to get on the train. If you study history this is pretty much the way of Nazi Germany in the 1930's Everyone was happy and none thought that they would become a victim of their great government. We are too preoccupied with sports, TV , etc. etc to worry about what the government is doing. Be careful for we live in a controlled society.
I had the same problem with the 2 choices as Mr. Wood...i just couldnt get excited or optimistic about either one...Ron Paul would have got me going, but it didnt happen. Either our system is broken, or its so corrupt with power and money that it simply cant work, right down to the local level....my son ran for County Comissioner against a woman who doesnt even have a job, married into a mini dynasty of landowners, and has little to no experience in running county affairs. Though he fought the good fight with the help of his family, who are at best average income earners, but go to work every day, he came up short and basically lost to a name and money..this isnt sour grapes as i am incredibley PROUD of my son and my family who did thier best to support him in any way they could, it is for the most how the system works...and thats the problem in of itself. As far as guns go, there are too many of them, they are too easy for the wrong people to aquire, and too many innocent people lose thier lives,ESPECIALLY CHILDREN...guns and EGOS are a bad mix, and this country had too many of BOTH! Before someone accuses me of being the "L" word, i own a gun, and wouldnt give a second thought to EMPTING INTO ANYONE WHO WOULD TRY TO DO HARM TO ANYONE IN MY FAMILY....i just pray that ill never have to. I believe in the right to bare arms, and i suppose id have to fight against anyone who would try to take that right from me, BUT, i strongly feel there has to be some kind of regs or controls to at least ATTEMPT to keep them out of the wrong hands, which im all too aware seems virtually impossible...but remember this, the next child or family member to be killed by a gun may well one of your own....this is not fear mongering...this is a FACT! Just look at the shootings in our OWN KIDS SCHOOLS! I ask any of you, how can this be STOPPED?
Legal concealed carry , shoot to kill if your rights are violated . They'll get the message . Best defense in most situations would be pepper spray giving time to deploy your weapon or just get away .
Maybe Im missing something..........

UN draft I read was about international sales,

Domestic was not to be infringed on.

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i am not going to go on and on about this but i will say this. i don't care for our current prez.. didn't really like romney.. BUT. what we have in the works is going to be looked back upon and people are going to remember this for a long long time.

we have been trained over the yrs to except what is going on. not take a stand that might make the general population go OH LOOK MAYBE WE ARN'T GETTING THE WHOLE STORY.. look at bengazi ( sorry about the spelling ) what a scam. so our gov and system as far as i am concerned is about as crooked as the rest.

but at the end of the day, unless WE meaning the general population, don't ban together we are in trouble.

I am not going to tout religion on anyone here, what you believe is what you believe and a ok with me. BUT, i am firm that in the near future we are going to have to have a REVOLUTION and when that day comes. it won't matter how many ak-47 our ar-15 or 9mm you got, because we won't be able to stop what is going on.

We lost touch when it went from the GOVERNMENT WORKIN FOR THE PEOPLE, to THE PEOPLE WORKING FOR THE GOVERNEMENT, which as far as i am concerned is where we are at. It is a shame, I think i speak for alot of people in the usa that feel like we are on a path of massive devistation within our own system. the issue is what and when is it going to be that makes it all finally blow.
Please explain"What we have in the works".. I have not been trained to accept any of the crap that is going on. As far as the general population coming together. Forget it-not gonna happen. I will not accept socialism or a dictator as many have done.

what i meant by that glenn was the possible mess coming down the pipeline this next term

discussions of tax hikes. misdirection and communication within our system, this supposed gun situation.. it ain't going to get any better. you don't have to accept socialism or a dicatatorship, i don't either. But unless something gives i am affraid we are going down that path.

i shouldn't post on these topics as it just gets me pi$$ed and honestly i can't do boo about it anyway

i am not going to go on and on about this but i will say this. i don't care for our current prez.. didn't really like romney.. BUT. what we have in the works is going to be looked back upon and people are going to remember this for a long long time.

we have been trained over the yrs to except what is going on. not take a stand that might make the general population go OH LOOK MAYBE WE ARN'T GETTING THE WHOLE STORY.. look at bengazi ( sorry about the spelling ) what a scam. so our gov and system as far as i am concerned is about as crooked as the rest.

but at the end of the day, unless WE meaning the general population, don't ban together we are in trouble.

I am not going to tout religion on anyone here, what you believe is what you believe and a ok with me. BUT, i am firm that in the near future we are going to have to have a REVOLUTION and when that day comes. it won't matter how many ak-47 our ar-15 or 9mm you got, because we won't be able to stop what is going on.

We lost touch when it went from the GOVERNMENT WORKIN FOR THE PEOPLE, to THE PEOPLE WORKING FOR THE GOVERNEMENT, which as far as i am concerned is where we are at. It is a shame, I think i speak for alot of people in the usa that feel like we are on a path of massive devistation within our own system. the issue is what and when is it going to be that makes it all finally blow.
Please explain"What we have in the works".. I have not been trained to accept any of the crap that is going on. As far as the general population coming together. Forget it-not gonna happen. I will not accept socialism or a dictator as many have done.

what i meant by that glenn was the possible mess coming down the pipeline this next term

discussions of tax hikes. misdirection and communication within our system, this supposed gun situation.. it ain't going to get any better. you don't have to accept socialism or a dicatatorship, i don't either. But unless something gives i am affraid we are going down that path.

i shouldn't post on these topics as it just gets me pi$$ed and honestly i can't do boo about it anyway

I'm done ranting Chris, I got it out of my system and now it's time to move on and try to make the best of things.
This countr is going to Hell in a hand-basket. Our Governemnt saw a lot of money in the Social Security coffer and figured they'd "borrow" a few bucks from that and now claim that there isn't going to be any money in there in the near future. High unemployment isn't puttting any money in there or into a pension or 401(k) account.

Obama in his great wisdom decides to help the auto industry so out of my tax dollars I'm helping someone else buy a new car while as a working person I can't afford to go further into the hole to buy one.

Rebate checks sent out so that people can go out and buy a foreign-made flat screen TV's instead of buying American or helping to pay off some bills.

Yeah, I voted for the other guy, the lesser of 2 evils. Not racist but for the last 2 Presidential elections I've never seen so many African-Americans at the polls. Myself, my son and daughter-in-law plus one retiree were the only white people there. I live in a racially (and sexually) diverse neighborhood. Maybe it was the time of day as seeing how I'm a second-shift worker so many unemployed and retired people go vote during the day. The 9-5er's had to wait for hours in line or say screw it and not vote.

OK, now to the gun control issue. I do not own a firearm of any kind but the thought has been crossing my mind a lot more lately into investing in one. Th problem with any law intending to control firearms will be a joke as the law-abiding citizens aren't the ones to worry about, it's those with the illegal or stolen ones that is more of a concern. I don't even have to say the motto of when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns as this should have been in your head by now. My weapon of choice would probably be a cross-bow, silent and just as deadly.
Hey Kemosawbe,

Only prob is some meth head can be fire'n rounds at ya during reload.

In close urban I'd go 12 ga pump, get some training on a combat range.

Also check your local laws on use of deadly force........

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Guns dont kill, the person holding it does. Should not matter what the weapon is classified as. Firearms are firearms. I can kill someone just as easy with a bolt action hunting rifle as I can an "assault rifle". People buy them because they can and that is nobody's business. Someone wanting to commit a cowardly crime is gonna get access to whatever they think they need to pull such crime off.
Let's call this a "what if".........i had bought all my guns from private parties. never registered, no bill of sale or transfer papers, hunt on my own land so i don't buy a hunting permit, & reload so i haven't signed for ammo & am lucky to have a buddy that gets killer bulk powder prices & i pay him my small part of the order. maybe i can slide for a while. until i am forced to use one, that would be a little harder to hide.
22 mag, bullet disintergrates on impact, no traces...... Did I say that out loud :eek:

Gene :p
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Civil War is Coming

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto. The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush's administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national controls were better. On Wednesday Obama Took the First Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms in the United States.

The Obama administration intends to force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for US citizens through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations. By signing international treaties on gun control, the Obama administration can use the US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress. Once the US Government signs these international treaties, all US citizens will be subject to those gun laws created by foreign governments. These are laws that have been developed and promoted by organizations such as the United Nations and individuals such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The laws are designed and intended to lead to the complete ban and confiscation of all firearms. The Obama administration is attempting to use tactics and methods of gun control that will inflict major damage to our 2nd Amendment before US citizens even understand what has happened. Obama can appear before the public and tell them that he does not intend to pursue any legislation (in the United States) that will lead to new gun control laws, while cloaked in secrecy, his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is committing the US to international treaties and foreign gun control laws.

What it means is that there will be no publicized gun control debates in the media or votes in Congress.

We will wake up one morning and find that the United States has signed a treaty that prohibits firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the American public.

We will wake up another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that prohibits any transfer of firearm ownership. And then, we will wake up yet another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that requires US citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment. This is not a joke nor a false warning. As sure as government health care has been forced on us by the Obama administration, so will gun control. Please forward this message to others who may be concerned about the direction in which our country is headed. ... We are being led like a lamb to the slaughter house.
That news tidbit came out in October 2009 and only the first two sentences came from the original article..
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If they ban weapons and people cant own firearms alot of people will be losing jobs its not going to happen

I can't seem to understand how it isn't clear as a bell that the current administration couldn't care less about lost jobs. In fact, by all observation, they seem to be actively seeking out ways of killing jobs in any way they can. Why is this so hard to see? I know that some people really want to believe the hype coming from the oval office, but the writing is on the wall.

Thanks. Brad.

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