A-A45-JAE45 first trip to getting wet


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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2003
This is the new A-A .45 motor and its first time to the water in the JAE.45 prototype....

I want this video to be put in context so read this before you even view the video......

This is the A-A45's "very first" time in the water with.......the prototype JAE.45 with its sponsons to close together......a stab at the needle setting [with no 3rd channel].....

a even bigger stab at a turnfin location and design......a less than perfect 1657 prop.......and a MACS 10CC pipe set at 10-1/8" [right off our MUTT II Sport40-2 boat]

We wanted to see how the A-A 45 compared directly to our Picco.45EXR that is in the Sport 40........

This A-A.45 motor is a "box stock,carb and all" .45 motor from Al Hobbs with the head clearance set at .012".......

After setting the needle on this combination the A-A.45 went into the mid 19's for the 2 lap and needless to say there is a ton left to be done with boat set-up and prop work.....

You can make up your own minds but the motor in my opinion the A-A.45 is a homerun right out of the box......

Rod Geraghty

Hey Rod we have not met, I'm the guy that took the videos. All I can add is the second run after a little fiddling with the needle was FAST! The motor/boat combo looked and sounded very nice. I am impressed enough with the boat/motor I'm jumping in with both feet and getting this setup. I am very happy to see another motor option and what is even better a low cost but race worthy option at that! It is not always the most costly options in racing that works best!

Paul the old "new guy"
Paul, thanks for taking the video. Rod, thanks for posting the video. This is the first I've seen an A/A 45 run.

Up to now all I've gotten back is email reports.

Al Hobbs
Could you give a link to the motor? Can not find it on the net.

No problem found it

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This is the new A-A .45 motor and its first time to the water in the JAE.45 prototype....

.the prototype JAE.45 with its sponsons to close together......

Rod Geraghty

Rod. Can you describe the handling characteristic which proves the booms are to narrow? Always wondered if the wide stance was to compensate for no trip angle on the sponson sides.

This is the new A-A .45 motor and its first time to the water in the JAE.45 prototype....

.the prototype JAE.45 with its sponsons to close together......

Rod Geraghty

The wider stance between the sponsons has absolutely nothing to do with the traditional so-called non-trip sponson sides....

When a boat trips it means the boat is being allowed to slide when being turned.When a boat trips it simply means the turn-fin ain't doing its job

and holding the boat in its arc in the corner.

The JAE sponson/ski combo design keeps the boat "freed up" and on top of the water....not loose,but free....there is a difference.The JAE bottom footprint and design makes the JAE boats very easy to control,launch and set-up with no built-in hull adjustments.

The wider sponson stance allows the boat to handle much rougher water at much faster speeds and a wider stance also allows you to reduce the

size and curl of the turn fin.....

A wider sponson stance equates to increased boat running and turning stability and improved launch characteristics.....

As of yet, I am not sure we have found a boat stance that has been to wide.....

I will bet the JAE.45 proto type doesn't have an hours run time on it yet.

You can tell in this video that the turn-fin on this prototype is still not totally right .When the turn fin is absolutely right it takes very little rudder throw to turn the boat and the boat will "snap" around the corner with tremendous speed and stability..... When it is totally right you will see it immediately.

David,Martin and Ron....If you have anything to add please chime in and do so......The JAE hydro design is amazingly simple once you understand how the boat works....The proof is in its performance and ease of set-up.
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