93 Bud


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Does anybody have pics of the 93 Bud ? I cant seem to find anything except their display boat which was the red, white and gold boat. They did race in 93 right?
I do belive so.. first pic is there 86-90.. the second pic is 90-93.I could be wrong,but the second pic had the newer cowl and cockpit.
The first picture she posted is T-1, which only ran in 1986. It was a back up boat I THINK in 87 and 88, though I don't believe it ran beyond testing. The second picture could be either T-2 or T-3 taken somewhere between 1990 and 1993. That particular cowl wasn't used on either the 8701 or 8901 until 1990, the cowl prior to that being very similar to what was used on T-1. IF I remember right, Budweiser told Bernie Little to go with the all red going into the 1994 season. The one that would know for sure is Hgatchens
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Hey there, go to Billophoto.com in his hydro page there is a great picture of the 1993 Bud at the Gold Cup. It's the gold, red, white the difference it didn't have that turbine stack in the back it was shorter.
Hey there, go to Billophoto.com in his hydro page there is a great picture of the 1993 Bud at the Gold Cup. It's the gold, red, white the difference it didn't have that turbine stack in the back it was shorter.
That's the boat I thought it was but I have a customer that says he wants the "blue" decals which would infer to me the all red boat with white decals trimmed in blue.

Did they run both boats that year? Maybe after the gold cup in detroit?
Hey there, go to Billophoto.com in his hydro page there is a great picture of the 1993 Bud at the Gold Cup. It's the gold, red, white the difference it didn't have that turbine stack in the back it was shorter.
I was wright about the second pic. It's ran from 90-93.. heres the pics that blueblaster was talking about..
Hey there, go to Billophoto.com in his hydro page there is a great picture of the 1993 Bud at the Gold Cup. It's the gold, red, white the difference it didn't have that turbine stack in the back it was shorter.
That's the boat I thought it was but I have a customer that says he wants the "blue" decals which would infer to me the all red boat with white decals trimmed in blue.

Did they run both boats that year? Maybe after the gold cup in detroit?
I think they used the boat in the first pic that I posted earlyer as there backup boat..since they where running the new 90-93 hull.
Hey there, go to Billophoto.com in his hydro page there is a great picture of the 1993 Bud at the Gold Cup. It's the gold, red, white the difference it didn't have that turbine stack in the back it was shorter.
That's the boat I thought it was but I have a customer that says he wants the "blue" decals which would infer to me the all red boat with white decals trimmed in blue.

Did they run both boats that year? Maybe after the gold cup in detroit?
I think they used the boat in the first pic that I posted earlyer as there backup boat..since they where running the new 90-93 hull.
Thanks Miss Hydro. Thats a good pic. I still think they may have ran their new red boat in the last half of 93. Does anybody know?
"... I have a customer that says he wants the "blue" decals"


Here are a couple of pics of the '92 and '93 Buds I took in San Diego. Bud team referred to them as the "Red" or "Blue" boat. If you look closely. you'll see that Chips name is 'Blue' on one, 'Red' on the other- ergo the applicable name. I believe the '92 versions ran the long turbine tube, '93 the short tube. CHEERS !!! Bob
"... I have a customer that says he wants the "blue" decals"


Here are a couple of pics of the '92 and '93 Buds I took in San Diego. Bud team referred to them as the "Red" or "Blue" boat. If you look closely. you'll see that Chips name is 'Blue' on one, 'Red' on the other- ergo the applicable name. I believe the '92 versions ran the long turbine tube, '93 the short tube. CHEERS !!! Bob
WOW! Thats why I love this site so much! Such a wealth of information. Thanks!
"WOW! Thats why I love this site so much! Such a wealth of information. Thanks!"

Hey Wes,

Just for added info: the MHR 8701 carried the "Blue" Chip Hanauer 1992-1993, 8901 hull carried the "Red". Both of these hulls went to the all red paint scheme in 1994. My first Scale boat was a MHR 7474 U-74 VALU*MART built in 1975 using pics my Father took at '74 Miami Marine Stadum race - - I can't hardly believe it was that long ago.I'm still building and racing circa 1982 vintage hulls myself - - I got tired of building tail feathers for an '85 Miller project in '95 or so and went back to 7704 and 8255 style hulls for myself.

CHEERS !!! Bob
"WOW! Thats why I love this site so much! Such a wealth of information. Thanks!"

Hey Wes,

Just for added info: the MHR 8701 carried the "Blue" Chip Hanauer 1992-1993, 8901 hull carried the "Red". Both of these hulls went to the all red paint scheme in 1994. My first Scale boat was a MHR 7474 U-74 VALU*MART built in 1975 using pics my Father took at '74 Miami Marine Stadum race - - I can't hardly believe it was that long ago.I'm still building and racing circa 1982 vintage hulls myself - - I got tired of building tail feathers for an '85 Miller project in '95 or so and went back to 7704 and 8255 style hulls for myself.

CHEERS !!! Bob
I'd wanted the MRP version since hightschool,but never had the money to get it.But that boat got me liking the unlimted hydro's.. I will be painting my dumas eagel since I did some mods to make it look like it..
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Hey there, go to Billophoto.com in his hydro page there is a great picture of the 1993 Bud at the Gold Cup. It's the gold, red, white the difference it didn't have that turbine stack in the back it was shorter.
That's the boat I thought it was but I have a customer that says he wants the "blue" decals which would infer to me the all red boat with white decals trimmed in blue.

Did they run both boats that year? Maybe after the gold cup in detroit?
I think they used the boat in the first pic that I posted earlyer as there backup boat..since they where running the new 90-93 hull.
Misshydro, you really need to do more research before posting a reply.

The 8701(T-2) was run from 1987 through 1994, with a cowl similar to the T-1 from 1987 through 1989. It ran the cowl you pictured from 1990 through 1994. It's racing career was all red/white/gold except for 1994 when the boat was painted all red.

The 8901(T-3) was run only in 1989 with the T-1 style cowl and through 1994 with the pictured style cowl. The boat was painted all red in 1994 and rebuilt between the 1994 and 1995 seasons with the new style driver's capsule. It was run that way through the 2001 season when Budweiser pulled their sponsorship. The boat was sold and ran again starting in 2006 as the U-10 Miss Emcor among other sponsors.

The 8401(T-1) only raced in 1986 as the Bud, being the backup boat until the T-3 was ready. It first ran as the U-7 Lite All-Star in 1984 with a turbine engine that was set up differently, requiring the exhaust to be directly behind the driver. I don't know where you got the idea that there was a new Bud boat built in 1990. BTW, if you go back and look at post 3, you will find that I had already stated that T-1 was a backup boat in 1987-88
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Hey there, go to Billophoto.com in his hydro page there is a great picture of the 1993 Bud at the Gold Cup. It's the gold, red, white the difference it didn't have that turbine stack in the back it was shorter.
That's the boat I thought it was but I have a customer that says he wants the "blue" decals which would infer to me the all red boat with white decals trimmed in blue.

Did they run both boats that year? Maybe after the gold cup in detroit?
I think they used the boat in the first pic that I posted earlyer as there backup boat..since they where running the new 90-93 hull.
Misshydro, you really need to do more research before posting a reply.

The 8701(T-2) was run from 1987 through 1994, with a cowl similar to the T-1 from 1987 through 1989. It ran the cowl you pictured from 1990 through 1994. It's racing career was all red/white/gold except for 1994 when the boat was painted all red.

The 8901(T-3) was run only in 1989 with the T-1 style cowl and through 1994 with the pictured style cowl. The boat was painted all red in 1994 and rebuilt between the 1994 and 1995 seasons with the new style driver's capsule. It was run that way through the 2001 season when Budweiser pulled their sponsorship. The boat was sold and ran again starting in 2006 as the U-10 Miss Emcor among other sponsors.

The 8401(T-1) only raced in 1986 as the Bud, being the backup boat until the T-3 was ready. It first ran as the U-7 Lite All-Star in 1984 with a turbine engine that was set up differently, requiring the exhaust to be directly behind the driver. I don't know where you got the idea that there was a new Bud boat built in 1990. BTW, if you go back and look at post 3, you will find that I had already stated that T-1 was a backup boat in 1987-88
I'd posted the wright boat pic HJ the same boat that dasboatman did..
"The 8401(T-1) only raced in 1986 as the Bud, being the backup boat until the T-3 was ready."

Hey HJ,

The T-1 started life as MHR 8407 1984 U-7 Lite All-Star.

Next livery was 1986 U-11 Miss Budweiser (orange), and it was National High Point Champion that year.

As stated, in '86 & '87 it became U-1 Miss Budweiser and was the back up for the T-2. In 1987 it raced once at 27 Sept Budweiser Las Vegas Silver Cup, placed 6th. In 1988 it also raced once at 12 June Budweiser Thunderboat Championship, Detroit Michigan, placed 6th.

MHR shows '86 U-11 Miss Budweiser (Orange). I don't believe I have ever seen a pic of an Orange Bud - - anyone??? And coming from a Miller Lite All-Star ???? Sacrilege !!! CHEERS !!! Bob
"The 8401(T-1) only raced in 1986 as the Bud, being the backup boat until the T-3 was ready."

Hey HJ,

The T-1 started life as MHR 8407 1984 U-7 Lite All-Star.

Next livery was 1986 U-11 Miss Budweiser (orange), and it was National High Point Champion that year.

As stated, in '86 & '87 it became U-1 Miss Budweiser and was the back up for the T-2. In 1987 it raced once at 27 Sept Budweiser Las Vegas Silver Cup, placed 6th. In 1988 it also raced once at 12 June Budweiser Thunderboat Championship, Detroit Michigan, placed 6th.

MHR shows '86 U-11 Miss Budweiser (Orange). I don't believe I have ever seen a pic of an Orange Bud - - anyone??? And coming from a Miller Lite All-Star ???? Sacrilege !!! CHEERS !!! Bob
That's very interesting, and they mounted the turbin backwards?
Wesley, the "orange" was the color the driver's name was painted with, identifying the boat for the crew in conversation. As already stated by someone else, T-2 had Chip's name in red, T-3 had blue if I remember right, could be bsckwards.

The front exhaust arrangement was due to using a GE turbine that had the output shaft coming out of the hot end. Since it pushed the boat down, the boat had a hard time getting up on plane. When Bernie Little bought the boat, he trashed the GE's and installed the now standard Lycoming T55-L7 with the output shaft coming out of the intake end. This eliminated the downward exhaust and, with other changes made by the Bud crew, made the boat a winner and season champion in 1986.

Bob, you got me on the two backup runs in 87 and 88, I had the rest right in my last post.
Wesley, the "orange" was the color the driver's name was painted with, identifying the boat for the crew in conversation. As already stated by someone else, T-2 had Chip's name in red, T-3 had blue if I remember right, could be bsckwards.

The front exhaust arrangement was due to using a GE turbine that had the output shaft coming out of the hot end. Since it pushed the boat down, the boat had a hard time getting up on plane. When Bernie Little bought the boat, he trashed the GE's and installed the now standard Lycoming T55-L7 with the output shaft coming out of the intake end. This eliminated the downward exhaust and, with other changes made by the Bud crew, made the boat a winner and season champion in 1986.

Bob, you got me on the two backup runs in 87 and 88, I had the rest right in my last post.
Thats interesting. I wouldn't think the output from the motor would have that much thrust. Of corse they didn't think so either hu? You can say what you want about Bernie but he was one smart cat.

BTW I got the decals made up (with the help of you guys) for the "orange " boat as well as the "blue" boat. thanks!
"Bob, you got me on the two backup runs in 87 and 88, I had the rest right in my last post."


Not my intent to "get you" HJ, just sharing the wealth. I cheated and used the Hyrdro's Who's Who 1946 - 1994 with '95 Update. It is by far the best reference source I've ever seen. It's nice to not have to depend on my memory. I would surely like one through present day, but don't know if available. Jim Sharkey was the editor.

I think I have some video of the T-1 racing. I can see why the hull was only raced twice as back up hull in 87 and 88. I didn't even consider driver's name in orange - nice to know.I don't think I even have any pics of the T-1.

"You can say what you want about Bernie but he was one smart cat."

Hey Wes,

I think credit should go to the Bud Crew Chiefs and Crews through the years. Bernie was a fine business man, but his best Technical ability was, Showing those that could - "The Money".

I would like to know who talked Tom D'Eath into sitting directly in front of that Miller Lite All-Star GE turbine exhaust. Can you say "Crispy Critter" ;) CHEERS !!! Bob
Im going to have to take issue with the NAMBA guys out there. I have been arguing with this guy all weekend because he says I sent him the wrong decals. Se stated that he wanted the decals that went on the "red" boat in 93. Because of your superior incite I have learned there was no "red" Bud in 93. The problem is that he sites NAMBAs site that lists the 8901 hull in 93 as "red"! I understand now that they were refering to the name of the driver on the side of the red, white and gold boat but that is very mis-leading and he thinks Im stupid for not knowing about the "red" boat in 93. Frankly, the whole ordeal has me wondering why I even bust my butt on my days off to try to get these things right. I am still dealing with the threat of a law suit by Dewalt that could take everything I have over a "hobby" that takes away from my family time.

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