7-11 pre canopy....


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mt gay rum

Active Member
Feb 17, 2006
7-11 pre canopy,winged hull... what year did this hull run and does anyone have pictures also who do you all recomended for graphics....thanks :D
The 7-11 open driver cockpit ran in 85 the 86 had the closed canopy

i have some good pictures of the 85 7-11 in Madison if you email me i can scan and send them or make prints to mail.
The 7-11 open driver cockpit ran in 85 the 86 had the closed canopy

i have some good pictures of the 85 7-11 in Madison if you email me i can scan and send them or make prints to mail.
thank you,, have sent you a email again thanks.... mike
i don't mean to high-jack this thread, but I'm a fan of the Miss 7-11 too. I would love some pictures of that boat, Could i e-mail you too P Thomas? Also does Aeromarine Products have a website? I did a quick search and couldn't find them.


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I didn't know the Miller scale they made converted over to the Miss 7-11, I know they make a 7-Liter sport 40. However, the Aeromarine hull is not NAMBA legal for scale. If you deciede to race this hull check the specs from your club to see if it meets the strict requiremnets to run it in the scale class.

I had a Dick Casparian Ms 7-11 with the enclosed cock pit, I missed that boat. It was way old before I let it go.