67 SGX .........look at your unbuilt kits


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Mike Byer

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2002
Bought an SGX kit when Andy had a sale a year or so ago, opened it up the other day to see I've got 2 right sponsons, who got the one with the 2 left sponsons, willing to trade even.

MIke B
Bought an SGX kit when Andy had a sale a year or so ago, opened it up the other day to see I've got 2 right sponsons, who got the one with the 2 left sponsons, willing to trade even.

MIke B
Turn the 'Kit', Pieces over. Presto!!! LOL... Probably not funny. Sorry?

David :)

Not that I know you or your driving style, but I think it's much better to have (2) STBD sponsons than (2) PORT (Due to Entrance & Apex Pins!). But, you do need at least (1) port. Best. DJ
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