65 Deg


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dave roach

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2004
It's 65 deg in Dayton,Oh today and just heading out to do some new prop testing and new boats
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Have fun Dave ! It's only 61 deg here in Southern California
If it weren't for the rain, it would be boating weather in the Seattle area as well, considering it's in the low 50's today
Smelling Nitro in Dec is great.Got a lot of testing done today.
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73° clear sunny low windsq here today, weatherman says warmer tomorrow. While I am south of the Mason-Dixon line, Pennsylvania is only 40 miles north. Damn fine weather for early December.
That white stuff is falling all along the Cascades/Sierra-Nevadas so that's no big deal. You want a big deal, check out some of the areas out west that have flooded due to too much rain over the past week
If it wasn't so cloudy out, would have made for a much better day for a ride. As it was, still a beautiful day for a ride
Only problem with this ride was that it ended at work
Should still be a bit warm at 06:00am for the ride home.
The props are the new ABC props for the 21 rigger, outboard,sport 21.The new 21 props are fast. New boats for next year that's all I can say.

Dave just doesn't want to share all the results yet?

All I can say is the Blackjack-21 is in the mid 80's already,

with a couple of the newer higher raked game changers.

More to come,

Mark Sholund
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