I ran this setup on my Eagle SGX 2 and had no issues, but I would have to say a adjustable clevis might be good advice, stronger Like you said, thanks I always appreciate others insight I would hate to loose a race because the linkage came loose. A 2 dollar part could be the difference in winning a race.
Here's what I've started using. Ran a solid 5 gallons through this setup last year and there's still no slop. The joints are the heavy duty 4-40 ones from dubro. The servo horn is an aluminum clamping style I found on tower hobbies. I had to drill and tap a hole a little lower on the servo arm to make it line up with the hole in the radio box but that was no big deal.
I used to run clevises but they always egged out the rudder/ servo arm hole and got loose. Hope this helps. Lookin good man