2s Lipos


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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2004
Just got a Blizzard kit and I'm starting to price parts. Who has the best lipo prices out there? Thanks for any help, Ryon
That is a great place to buy from,

Pat is a really nice guy and several of

us have bought our lipos there...

He has my vote.

Just got a Blizzard kit and I'm starting to price parts. Who has the best lipo prices out there? Thanks for any help, Ryon
www.rclipos.com seems to be a popular place. I think he does free shipping too.
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One more vote for rclipos.com. Super service, and great prices. Free shipping too. He is in California if that matters. Tel him you are a boat guy. He needs to know how big we are!!
SInce you are in FL...give www.readyheli.com a try. He gives me killer deals on Flightpower cells. I recently bought 4s3200 30c cells for $107 each from him when he had them on sale.
Just a question. Would this boat be OK on 3s or should I stick with 2s?
A guy in our club runs his smaller rigger on 3s and it fly's. I guess the big deciding factor will be the motor you plan to run and the amp draw you are shooting for.