2009 Albert Lee (Bardahl Paint Scheme/Leland Hull)...help..


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Lennard, if you compare the first picture you posted to the third Joe posted, it's very obvious that the left side of the boat was changed while the right side was left in it's original configuration. It's very similar to what we were discussing yesterday about the cockpit and cowls on how the full size boat was modified so that the canard was freed up from the cockpit so that the whole canard can move rather than just the flaps that make up the rear half.
thx for the photos Joe..very helpful :)

k...max length is 45.5" on the master hull roster and the hull is currently 44"

so it seems like i can extend the rear shoe and dive the deck to that length....
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This may save you a little work. The transom in 2007.

rofl Glenn...u saved me a ton of work
was NOT looking forward to tearing up the transom for a swim deck...tho it looks nice in this photo
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Hey Len,

Are you familar with the K.I.S.S. Principle?? Looks like you're planning on using the other hull to get one into the water. Lots of people on here will help you with pics to support you building the hull in the configuration you have, rather than making it something else. Heck, I'd send you pics if I were home.

We arrived here in Lakeside without issue. The drive across West Texas on I-10 is a lot less boring than I-20 is, and we even enjoyed it.

I have ben informed by an OLD Friend that the Argonauts are having their season opener the last Sunday of this month. I'll take my son inlaw and Granderson. I've been told I have to play nice while I'm there - - Har,Har !!!

Good Luck with the new build. CHEERS !!! Bob

sent u a pm :)

btw, u50 is almost done, should be done prior to the first race in Feb,

when i found the Bardahl paint scheme for this leland hull i fell in love with my glass hull again...rofl

so they are both getting done...u50 first, then i start on the plug/mold for cockpit/scoop of the 2009 Albert Lee...har har!
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Hey Len,

Rcvd the PM and back at you. I think that you having both hulls to run will help you out in the long run. The U-50 is a new design hull, and the glass Leland will more than likely be closer to race ready at the onset for you. You'll more than likely see things you like in each hull. I've always said: "I like new things. Especially when the get worked out, and no longer do goofy, unpredictable things." My U-55 Oberto is my primary Scale boat right now. It was first raced in 2001 and now feels like an old, comfortable pair of slippers. Probably my favorite Scale boat I've built over 30 years or so. If the new 8255 Miss Houston is better - it will become primary - - but only if it performs, and is more predictable to race than the old Oberto. Oberto was good in that it required very few changes to make it a good race boat right off the build table. This is unusual in my experience.

Raining in SOCAL this AM. No, we didn't bring it with from Tejas.

Good luck with the builds, Len CHEERS !!! Bob
rofl bob...

mini jones sponsons better than dave frank design bottom?...interesting call :)

i told ya it takes me 90 days to trim a boat (average) before i heat race it ;)
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Hey Len,

Are those the only two choices??? I wouldn't know Mini Jones from a Dave Frank sponson if I tripped over them. Guess I've not been following the herd the last 40 years or so. I'd guess my influence came from Don Pinckert. Kind of like

recreating the wheel isn't it?? There are so many variables to an efficient running sponson/hull, I'd hate to try to name them so simply. Guess I'd call mind: "WOF sponson by band saw,belt sander and sanding block." If you don't like what they yield - take a die grinder to them and try again.

You just ned to move faster Len, test longer and more often. Sick 'em Roy !!!! Har, Har !!!! It's all good. Just some things are better than others. "If you wnat your bbomerang to come back - - first, you have to throw it" Wisdom

courtesy of Ray Stevens. CHEERS !!! Bob
Hey Bob...

dave frank, mutt, muttII all copies of ed fisher boats with slight variations, working for 30 years...might as well keep doing it...lol

liken it to leecrafts in tunnels...if you have seen a leecraft, there are many many boats with different names but similar bottoms being produced

last year, i think lohring sed brian used his 20 year old wood dave frank hull to set an 1/8th scale 2 lap fe namba record? i held this boat in my hands last feb at the alfred's grand prix classic...it's a beautiful/well maintained boat personally signed/dated by dave frank...rofl
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Hey Len,

I think you need to look around some more. I don't believe you are considering a number of other very successful hulls that have been around over the years. What sponson design would you consider are on the Steve Muck / Lone Star, Henry Velasco, Bill Fritz/R/C Boat Co., Sheppard, K&H/MTO, etc. hulls. There are a lot of boaters that have put a lot of time into sponson and hull design over the years, that you seem to be dismissing with your limited view.

Once you address sponson design to include ride height, sponson angle, Dihedral, anhedral, NO hedral, ride plate surface area - - then you get to move on to the center hull section. What airfoil section will you use: Symetrical, flat bottom? Where wil the point of lift be on the top - - on the bottom??? Will you use recirve or not?? What shaft angle will I use, solid shaft, flex shaft. What strut: rounded bottom, flat bottom??? Lots of things to consider in addition to sponson shape. Maybe want to consider where the center of gravity should be. Which prop should you design around?? Do you want a lifting prop or not??

Lots of pieces to the puzzle , Len. Go to the NAMBA site and page through the hulls that have won the Nats the last 10 years. Do they all have Ed Fisher influenced sponsons on them?? I think not. CHEERS!!! Bob
lol bob...

considered ALL of the boats you mentioned (ask Doug Shepherd)..and a few you haven't listed...(hint, look at the boats i own)

following your logic, why wouldn't some1 consider the US-1 winners over the last 10/15 years as well?

please do not also assume we do not notice how well the aussie FE guys have spoon's 1/8th kits running (impressive combo of speed/handling) or how well you and Rick did at Nat's (internet makes access to "setups that are working" feasible)...

more later,

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Hey Len,

Builders name were only omitted because I couldn't recall their names - no slight intended.

I'm thinkin' you need to get one of the boats you own wet, and get a few races under your belt in Scale. You're wasting valuable building to completion time 'quipping' here on this "Talk Show" rather than utilizing the time finishing your hulls. I believe you told me one of your boats was from scratch and your first Scale boat, and the other "Leylandesk hull" was either a Doug Shepherd or a Joe Moceri hull (see- old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill - - I pulled Joe's name out of the cob webs.

Rick is nagging me to drag my arse to Charleston Internats this year, and he wants me to do an Evansville run, and possibly Hobart, My fat Swede arse is in California right now - - 1481 miles from our home. RB must think I like to drive a lot more than I do. Our 4 year old Granderson whipped me good last night in my introductory attempt at Super Mario Wii car racing last night. There's has to be a hydro video game out there some where that I can play to regained some esteem after the hurtin' he put on me last night. Har, Har !!! I'll be doing Pirate Training to properly prepare him for his Pirate Theme Upcoming Birthday party tonight. Then he'll most likely whup me in another edition of Super Mario Bros. - - Har, Har !!!! CHEERS!!! Bob
lol bob..

so nice your able to spend time with the granderson, your a lucky guy :)

boats: lol..why be such a downer? i do research while glue dries ...having fun and it's one of the joys of the hobby...i was at roy's today workin on the boat..woo tired...roy is crackin that whip :)

more later,

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Hey Len,

Ah,Ha!!!! I told you Roy was production oriented?? Is he wearing any black leather while cracking that Bull Whip??? Har, Har !!! It must really be a "downer" having me trying to help you electronically, and Roy cracking that whip over your head - "Live" - -

Har, Har !!! Two old goats in series: "Old age and Treachery will overcome youth and skill.

Now, get back to work.

Granderson is whuppin' me badly in "Mario Kart".I have a Friend here in San Diego that does the on-line Hydroplane races 'game' - willhave to get it to 'Whup Up' on Li'l John. Har, Har!!! Ok, maybe I'm a bit too competitive. Har di Har !!!! CHEERS !!! Bob

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