20 hydro ????


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Up until the middle of 2005 I ran a Stu Barr built .20 hydro. In District 1 and 2 there wasn't anything that could keep up. The boat ran an honest 68-70mph with an Orlic Nova Rossi, "S" pipe and an Andy Brown cut down 1450 prop. I've been out to the races only as a spectator for the last year and a half but still haven't seen anything run any quicker. Truth is.... If you run a .20 hydro anywhere near 70mph and can do it consistantly you will run ahead of the pack and win the majority of races. I've found that if you take 10mph off most of the bench racing speeds people talk about. That's about what the fast guys are running on race day. Just my observation. :rolleyes:


Well said Ron

Maybe I should have left the speed out of my original post but you know it would have come to that sooner

or later.

I am more interested in finding out what hull is the one to beat .

Tim K

The blackjack had a good record this year.

Dave Roach

Dave are you willing to share a little set up info ?

Prop , pipe ,engine ?

Tim K

I am not going to blow about my boat. thanks for the compliment joe.. i guess the proof is in the race win's.. that is what you want to look for, and a us-1 in 20 hydro don't get any better.


Please do Chris

If your boats are half as good as people are saying and I am sure they are , it is

well deserved.

Tim K

Tim, nothing changed in last few years and I haven't seen any .20 run anywhere close to 80 MPH since you saw mine few years ago.

Until I can figure out a way to get my hands on yours I have to see what else is available ;)


Tim K
ok here we go!

if your running around the 70"s in heat race trim your right up the

top! i've heard it all, and seen it all, here in OZ

most 21's are running 60mph in race trim with some faster one's

around 70mph and i can tell you that you notice the differents!

Ozzy2 [Paul Osmond] builder of taipans riggers, Paul 21 is one of

the faster 21's around and that runs arond 70...

all these speeds of around 80mph+ in race trim...I'D LIKE TO SEE THAT'''

Mark, your pass of 81.6mph thats great, but i like to see you in a race

with another five or so boats and race at 80mph+

as you said not many 45-67's even race at those speeds 80mph+
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Come on over to the States next year, and maybe we will have a "21 Shootout" at the Northern

Nationals, and we will see how fast the competition is. I personally don't really enjoy heat racing

that much anymore,but another 21 Shootout would be fun. The S.A.W. program will really help

your oval performance. :D There is so much to learn in this hobby,which is why I am still enjoying

it after 18 years. I will give you 21 Hydro guys a tip: 3.60" of cup is all you will need to go 80+ MPH.

Motor,Pipe,& Propeller. :D :D :D

Good Luck,

Mark Sholund
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I would love to come over to the states next year,

but i'm getting married... and looking into building a new house.

maybe 2008, and same doing alot more SAW testing then oval.

regards Aaron
I don't want this to get into a pee - pee match so i will make this brief.

Mark nothing against you or anyone one else.. Me and Zaker have talked about this.. the CURRENT style of 20 hydros WILL NOT race at 80 mph on the water with 5 other boats.. until someone comes out with something TOTALLY new.. it ain't gonna happen. i have raced at 73mph and i know what that is like..


as for my boat.. i don't want to be a advertisement on this subject.. just look at my web page.

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im a 21 hydro racer ,, taipans for me pal.. check out the worlds just run .. they go slick i reckon,, speed is a fair bit of heat racing but i think its luck and the way you drive the boat, and set it up.. just my 2 bob,s worth ,, go the taipan,, aussie know how... :)

Dave and I are running kit-form BlackJack's, MAC's with OPS 3280 pipes (I think Dave's is the K copy, which is probably better than the original) and (almost) stock H-10's. I know we are both running WWWWAAAYYY over 70 MPH at home running solo, on a long SAW from the deep end of turn 4 through the front stretch. What we are running in heat racing, I don't know. Normally, I'm running about 3/4 throttle and plenty fast enough to outpace the rest of the crowd. The only time this whole summer I had to fully open it up was in the last heat of the Masters, when I was 100 pts behind Dave and I wanted a run-off REAL bad. Sadly, it wasn't to be. We are both running well enough to have taken 1st and 2nd at EVERY race we attended this year (which wasn't very many for me :( ).

By most accounts, Chris's Blackbird is the most decorated. US-1 this year. Speed and consistancy were the contributing factors. Indy Masters last year. It's just a shame (for me) that I was having radio problems and couldn't keep my race program together well enough to give him a run for it.

The truth of the matter is that there are several boats in "production" at the moment that are capable of mid 70's heat racing, that are strikingly similar in appearance and fairly evenly priced. Pick your poison. Set it up correctly, power it appropriately and I don't think it matters which one you buy. The thing to look for, though, is the accomplishments of those that have bought the boats, not just what the builders have done with their own boats..........

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
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Taipans are wicked fast light boats , i know ive got my order in for one. but....

Ill have to put a vote in for the Fire Fighter 21 ... after all it is Toms website.... :p

i have an original first generation kit boat ..

the new ones would be even quicker ...

ill end up killing it if i Keep racing bigger boats with it ....

:p once out in front , you got to stay on the water !

its just great as an all round fun boat ..

Jason :lol:
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Dave and I are running kit-form BlackJack's, MAC's with OPS 3280 pipes (I think Dave's is the K copy, which is probably better than the original) and (almost) stock H-10's. I know we are both running WWWWAAAYYY over 70 MPH at home running solo, on a long SAW from the deep end of turn 4 through the front stretch. What we are running in heat racing, I don't know. Normally, I'm running about 3/4 throttle and plenty fast enough to outpace the rest of the crowd. The only time this whole summer I had to fully open it up was in the last heat of the Masters, when I was 100 pts behind Dave and I wanted a run-off REAL bad. Sadly, it wasn't to be. We are both running well enough to have taken 1st and 2nd at EVERY race we attended this year (which wasn't very many for me :( ).

By most accounts, Chris's Blackbird is the most decorated. US-1 this year. Speed and consistancy were the contributing factors. Indy Masters last year. It's just a shame (for me) that I was having radio problems and couldn't keep my race program together well enough to give him a run for it.

The truth of the matter is that there are several boats in "production" at the moment that are capable of mid 70's heat racing, that are strikingly similar in appearance and fairly evenly priced. Pick your poison. Set it up correctly, power it appropriately and I don't think it matters which one you buy. The thing to look for, though, is the accomplishments of those that have bought the boats, not just what the builders have done with their own boats..........

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
You got that right brad.. and allan waddle got second at huntsville in 20 hydro with a black bird 3rd time out for the year.. not bad..

point is. you must decide for yourself what you want. not what someone else wants you to have. alot has to do with you particualar set ups and props motors ect.

i am sure all are good boats.. just look at the details. ;)

point is. you must decide for yourself what you want. not what someone else wants you to have. alot has to do with you particualar set ups and props motors ect.
Well said Chris. There are numerous choices for 20 hydros that when done correctly are quite capable of winning. There is no one particular 20 boat that anyone can buy that guarantees dominance. It all comes down to the complete package- boat, motor, prop, set up and most of all ........... driving!! ;)
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Well said Chris and Don,

there are servel good design's out there-sgx-taipan-blackbird- ff21 etc

but the package is what its all about.....and knowledge....

i've seen guy's with the same boats and engine's,

but one go's 10mph faster...

but you dont have to be the fastest to come out on top....

its all fun and games.... currently building my own 21 boat

for more fun and games...

regards Aaron
I think Brad nailed it on the head when he suggested not to look at the accomplishments of the

builder but of those that are buying the boats .

Everyone knows that set up is everything , so this next question would go out to those

that have purchased any of the boats mentioned.

How good were the instructions , set up info were you given the information needed to be

competetive right out of the box ?

I recently built a Lynx tunnel and I could not believe how good the set up and build instruction were.

Everything was covered and when finished the boat not only performed perfectly but would be very competetive without any other testing .

I personaly believe when you buy a boat you are also paying for the builders knowledge as well as the proper set up info to make it perform competetivly without having to spend a lot of time at the pond trying to dial it in.

Tim K
I know Frank builds great stuff,but I am not sure many here know what it takes to

really go 80+ MPH in any boat.
In a 20 boat I think you would be correct, but anything bigger……eeerrrr?? I run 85+ with an F / X Hydro ANY day of the week AND in ANY town. If you don't believe me that's your next surprise.

I will say that I personal don't push hard in most heat races simply because it's a logistics thing. I like having friends that will go have a beer with me at the end of day a talk B.S. about things other than how high my timing is in my motor..... that comes with respect and creation.

I know not many of you on this board have met me personal but those that have know my rides are no joke!

My answer to the topic question would be an SGX-1, MAC, "Fat" pipe, 1445 combo.......but that's just Buck. ;)


Does this mean your 45,67,80,or 90 boats all heat race at 80+MPH? I doubt it? An X-Hydro

should go 80+MPH. As far as your SGX 21 with that set up you would be lucky to get in the

70's. If you read further in my post you will see that this speed is really not even a concern,

as we only race as fast as we need to win. "Why show a quarter when a dime will do"

We sure would like you to come to the Northern Nationals up in London,Ontario this next

August so we can see just how fast your fleet really is. Just a little fun here Buck,I bet my 101

would eat your F/X Hydro for lunch anyday / anywhere also. :D :D :D And after the race,

I would let you buy me lunch or dinner. :D :D :D

Have Fun,

Mark Sholund
I run 85+ with an F / X Hydro ANY day of the week AND in ANY town. If you don't believe me that's your next surprise.

LOL's thats on prepared water bucky ..

try doing 80 mph on OPEN water ...

any town any day ... LOL's

bucky you are a funny man
