1993 Circus Two Wing


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Bert Dygert

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008

Looking for help on my new Circus rebuild project. Did the 1993 Circus ever run without tippets on the West Coast? I know in Detroit it ran with one on the right side of the boat. Also I know as the right side kept getting damaged it's width got reduced. Later in 1994 it ran as the Exide without any tippets.

Thanks for the help

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I don't think they ever transported the boat with the tiplets on since I can't find any trailer shots up at angle with them on. I have a bunch in the water and on the crane but they all have the one on. The boat only ran a couple of races that year. It ran in Lewiston TX which was the first race. Then Detroit where it was wrecked an it had it at both of those. The backup hull ran in Miami. It looks like it may NOT have had it at Evansville which the first race after the crash but they had glasswork peel away at that race so the backup ran the next race at Madison. They ran the backup again at Tri-Cities and crashed that boat. They scratched Seattle. I don't have footage from Kansas City. I have San Diego and Pearl Harbor somewhere but I am not sure if they went to both of those or not. I'll keep checking.
Mike, the Circus boats were in Seattle, but never raced. Something happened between Circus Circus and the APBA and the boats never even got into the pits if I remember right. Last I heard, the boats were taken to the shop or a warehouse and the doors padlocked shut. The next time the two boats were seen they were the U-9-2/11 Miss Exide II(92102.5 hull) and the U-9 Miss Exide(8401 hull). The former Turbine Atlas was last seen as the Miss Starrow Enterprises in 1999 while the former Coors Dry was last seen as the U-9 Car Pros in 2006

Your picture helps a little. I have a picture on the trailer in front of the Circus hotel with only one tippet on it. Roger's plans show the boat with two and the picture from the Detroit pits before the decks were cleaned off and the sponson destroyed show only one. Ray's picture shows nothing on the right side and not a good enough view of the left side. So I'm still confused.

Ray where was your picture taken?

Thanks for the info even though it still somewhat unclear.

Looking for help on my new Circus rebuild project. Did the 1993 Circus ever run without tippets on the West Coast? I know in Detroit it ran with one on the right side of the boat. Also I know as the right side kept getting damaged it's width got reduced. Later in 1994 it ran as the Exide without any tippets.

Thanks for the help


You have mail, cant believe you didnt send me an e-mail ????

wha up with dat ??

Bert I went through the video footage again and it looks like it ran in Evansville without both tiplets. It was never really a front runner in most of those heats so ESPN didn't focus on it much but there was one heat where it was in second that shows it coming around the turn and you can see that it didn't have it. I even have a couple of shots of the backup hull with tiplets on it on the trailer but apaprently they never ran with them on.

You're right Junkie I remember that Villwock and Jones had a big blowup after Tri-Cities after he crashed the backup hull. I know that there was still some animosity with Bill Bennett and APBA after the accusations that Bill bought the championship in 1990. He sold off everything and Chip and Dave Villwock and Bennett went their separate ways. The 8401 boat went to Jones Racing and ran as the American Spirit. Then Jones and Jim Harvey both got 2 wing hulls late in 1992. Art Hawkins from Exide bought both hulls shortly after Pearl. I did find one pic though that answered another question of mine as to whether or not that 2 wing had rear shoes as the Circus. Two transom shots show them very well.
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You have mail, cant believe you didnt send me an e-mail ????

wha up with dat ??



Did know how readly available the historian book of records was because of the short tenure if the 93 circus hull.

Don't want to step on anyones toes, I'm not a scale guru. I have the 94 Media guide and theres a shot of the circus stuffing at Detroit in 93 Gold Cup. The triplet is on the right side. Photo is BW, can't scan and post, will break binding on guide. B) B)
Detroit was the second race. Miami was the next one after that where the back up ran and the nose got crunched on that boat by the Winston Eagle or the T-Plus, can't rememebr which off the top of my head. Evansville was next where they tried the two-wing again and they were having problems with layers of glass unlaminating and peeling away. That's the one where I caught the shot of it without it.