1973 Notre Dame transom help


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tony Flakemore

Active Member
Aug 20, 2010
currently building 73 Notre Dame ( Roger Newton plan 108-f ) plan shows transom instep not sure if the instep is all the way through or if hull floor goes all the way through. Can't find any pics which show this. Question two if transom instep is open all the way through how would this effect strut setup for drive dog setup any help would be much appreciated . Tony
Okay the boat was first run in 1972 and it had many handling problems. It originally had the inset transome as you wrote about but for the Gold cup the team cut off the extensions and made a flat or straight across style transome. I found a picture on Unlimited Detroit that shows the flat transome. The other style on you blueprints goes all the way threw. Even in the real boat it made it ride rough and cause major handling problems. So you can build yours ether way. There is a great article on the Hydroplane Museum web site by Fred Farley about it just do not have time right now to find it. Hope this helps.


Don McKay
Thanks for takeing the time to help me on this one Don think I will stick with the gold cup version with flat transom everything stays easy.
Okay the boat was first run in 1972 and it had many handling problems. It originally had the inset transome as you wrote about but for the Gold cup the team cut off the extensions and made a flat or straight across style transome. I found a picture on Unlimited Detroit that shows the flat transome. The other style on you blueprints goes all the way threw. Even in the real boat it made it ride rough and cause major handling problems. So you can build yours ether way. There is a great article on the Hydroplane Museum web site by Fred Farley about it just do not have time right now to find it. Hope this helps.


Don McKay

The picture you reference is the inset transom, I dont believe the 7207, as Notre Dame, ever had a flat transom, later, when sold and it became the Cotts Beverage, U-76,Technicolor ect, the transom was rebuilt/changed to the flat style. You are correct, there were handling problems, and actually those are extensions added to try to help the attitude of the hull, if pics exist of the flat transom as the Notre Dame, I would love to see one.

I was 4 years old when that boat ran and have no memory of it. I read a Fred Farely artical about it. He only wrote they cut the transome to help handling. So I will go with you on this then.
ok then so it looks like it has to have the inset then so for my strut setup how do I define the transome ending ? Thanks Tony
Very interesting points brought up. I guess my 72 Notre Dame may not be "true to scale" then because I run with a flat transom. I've never seen the RC Model run any other way including Don Maher's, I think that placed at the top of the Namba Nats. I had to look real close to realize that picture showed an indentation.

I also am building the Oly, without wing, because I think it will be more competitive in a racing environment. My hat is off though to the detail provided by some boat builders.

I've always said a Roland or Steve DeSteese boat stand looks better than any scale boat I've ever driven.
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well I'm not sure what to do now but if people have been runing with flat transome guess I will to or do I try with the inset and see what happens but still unsure where to set strut. have read some of the rule book and pretty sure drive dog can't go past transome end if anyone has any ideas on this I would like to hear then. Thanks Tony