.12 Rigger, General Info Needed.


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Paul Pachmayer

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2003
Hey Guys,

Could I get some general info on tub size and preferred building materials. Also, what engines are the preferred choice? I'm considering converting one of my electric hulls over to nitro for grins so any help on it is appreciated. Oh, if any pics are around I'd like to see one setup.

Thanks, Paul.

This is just one example of many on this forum. (Riptide .12)

Hull length- 22 3/4"

Hull width (outside)- 2 3/4"

Hull height max. (at firewall)- 1 3/4"

T.E. of sponsons to transom- 14"

Depth of front sponsons at T.E.- 5/8"

Distance between front sponsons- 11 1/4" (Probably should be more.)

Attack angle of front sponsons- approx. 4 degrees. (Should be a little less in my current thinking.)

Sponsons are approx. 10" in total length.


Sides- 1/8" FG/balsa composit from Aerospace Composite Corp.

Bulkheads- 1/4" Light Ply


Top- 1/32" ply

Transom has 1/16" ply over the 1/4" light ply and I have used balsa triangular stock in several joints for strength.

Paul, nice to see that you are trying out a .12 'rigger! Tub size shouldn't be problem if you are converting an electric boat over. Motor mounts can be easily made or use one from an R/C truck, an XTM X-cellerator has a lightweight one that could be used.

As far as engines goes, a lot in here are using O.S.'s, Rossi's or any other preferred car or truck racing engine. I'm using Fantom's now, a lot of HP and RPM for $100-120.00 . Standard shafts and rotary carbs make the setup a lot easier. If you want to spend serious money on an engine, go to an "Outlaw", they're not restricted by ROAR rules.
Hello Guys,

Thanks for the info! It sounds like my 8 cell rigger will be perfect with some slightly different material choices. The tub is 24" which I "could" sorten but I think I'll leave it alone. Are the rear shoes required? I never have run rear shoes on any electric rigger but nitro may be different. To be legal for racing the engine can't be over .12 correct? Are there any engines to stay away from?

Thanks again Guys, Paul.

I'm sure you don't need to shorten your tub. 24" will be just fine or even longer. Placing the prop further back with a strut (Unlike mine) will give the boat a longer stance and should handle better. Just try to get the C.G. as far forward as possible.

Tom runs the OS TR.12 with good results and that's what's in my boat. I think it's a very frindly engine to use with good power. and easy to get a flywheel for. Some of the really fast guys use the Novarossi engines. However there are many choices out there that are very good. The OS TR-PT turbo head is probably a good choice.

Rear sponsons? I think they help steady an oval boat. Many people run without them. Some are under the boat some on the outsides. Just depends on the boat. Just make sure they are removable to either remove or reposition. I'm sure it's a lot like electrics!

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Hi Don,

What was the bare weight of your .12 rigger? I measured my 8 cell boats and their almost exactly what you described except for hull width which is an easy fix. I also looked at some .12 engines and there is a ton of them, I saw one that had a 38K usable RPM but the shaft was really short. I guess once I get the hull together I'll take a ride to the LHS and check them out in person.

Thanks again, Paul.
The Hammerhead .12 is just under 24" for tub length and under 3" wide. Fuel tank placement might be the only real problem that you might have converting an electric to nitro. Beef up the engine area just a little and it should be okay.

Engines to stay away from? The only one that I can really think of would be a Megatech, the needle is a real pain to set. I have a Trinity/Picco/NR that isn't the fastest in the World but dependable. The Mugen .12 is supposed to be a wicked engine but also around $200.00 . It depends on how much you want to spend.
The bare weight of my boat is about 14oz finished. This includes the enclosed stuffing tube, center sponson and strut barell. Also blocks for the solid motor mount and the tops of the radio box and tank area. The rear sponsons will add another 1.2oz total.


Hey Ron, how's that Hammer Head comming along?
Going shopping Saturday in Toledo to pick up a bunch of things to ready it for production. Carbon Fiber, nuts &bolts, a hot wire cutter andwhatever else that I can get there will help me move the project along. Production may be limited for now until I can get things rolling seriously. I'm trying to avoid going any deeper in debt right now. I wanted to try for 50 kits initially but I may have to start with just possibly 20. Stiil some other issues yet such as going with Marty's sponsons or narrower ones like I made. This is an easy modification though if a buyer decides to go to the narrow ones. Mine are 3/4" narrower.
Hello Guys,

I should clarify what I'm doing. I'm not actually converting an electric boat, I'm building a new nitro boat from the electric design I run. Mods like the tub width and material choice are an easy fix. I've got a ton of room in this thing for motor and tank placement.

Here's a pick, it's the one on the left.


"WOW" Paul:

Very nice riggers! Just get the sponson tubes ahead of the engine, the CG close to the flex hex (or hex flex-can never get that right) and do what Ron says in the engine compartment. Great design! :eek: My sponson tubes are only 4" between center lines and when finished I measure and have grim make the tank to fit.

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Hey Guys,

Mike, lol ummmm I don't know where you may have seen that one before. ;)

Here's another vid of the rigger on a really windy/choppy day.

rigger run


I'm pretty sure the engine will be forward of the rear boom, not much option there. The good thing is the engine should be right over the CG. Won't really know until I finish the tub.
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Hey Guys,

Forgot to mention that the rigger on the right in the pic went over 75mph on 24 cells. It met an early demise on a bad blow over before it was ever really dialed in. :(

O yea..i remember that..The Video dude must be a video master..you can see it in the camara movment.. O yea the guy driving is not to bad eather...Hehehe ;)

Hey Grim,

O yea the guy driving is not to bad eather
LOL, I guess. :blink: The stuff at the end didn't count right? :rolleyes: You know that's the boat I sent you, it's also the boat that was running sub-60sec heats. I gotta give you a buzz, what times are good?

Paul, I couldn't remeber for sure who you were until I saw the skullcaps.com web site. I do remember the kids wearing them and you donated some for the drawings at the Mi. Cup race. My memory never has been very good. You know what they say, "the memory is the second thing to go but I can't remember the first thing." :blink:
I kind of doubt it but you never know. Lansing is only about 60 miles from here, Camp Dearborn is 135 miles. If you need to know anything about that place, let me know. I spent a week there last year at the Internats. The cabins are terrible if you were thinking of renting one, like sleeping in a 1 car garage. Any idea which pond that they are going to use?

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