1000/1200 mah life receiver battery!


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I mean how quickly can a nicad pack deliver amperage compared to a low C rated LiFe or Lipo.
From my experience, I think nicads would be in the negative C numbers. They self discharge in a relatively short time plus have a lot of internal resistance that restricts their ability to unload their power. NiMh is better but neither is in the same world as the Lithium chemistry cells. Just my 2c.
just came across these if you want 500mah packs. $6 each with coupon.

View attachment 336281

Those are 8.4 volt fully charged. Better have high voltage servos or run regulator.

Most all the receiver packs I sold were 20C or 25C. Same for the transmitter packs.

If you got a 1800 mah and it is even 10C you have 18 amp available. 18 amp is enough to instantly melt the insulation off your wiring and soon blow the wire in two.

The C ratings on transmitter and receiver packs does not mean you can draw that out of the pack. The discharge wire is only 20 gauge usually and only good for about a 10 amp of load, 15 amp for momentary spike but not the C rating of the pack if it is like say a 2000 mah with a 20/25C rating as your looking at 50 amp available. If you were using anywhere close to these loads your wiring would be melting down regularly. That doesn't happen because we don't have those kinds of loads.

They can make quality packs of low C rating as well but for hobby packs the C rating is a indication of how well the pack is built. If it can withstand high load it should have long life with light loads. Some truth to that but not a whole lot as I have had high C rated LiPos before that were junk.
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