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  1. O

    BBY Oval Master 29

    Thanks everyone for all the advise on the setup. I think I'm going to order a OM 26 or 29. What radio/servos is everyone running in these boats? I heard Futaba is a good brand, but expensive. I know the pistol style controllers are better...but what about channels, am I going to want a 3rd...
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    BBY Oval Master 29

    Ok for me it's down to a couple choices: 1. CEN Aquajet (Xtreme 700SC) RTR from 2. Oval Master 26" or 29" I know the CEN is RTR, what do you guys think this boat needs besides what offshoreelectrics is upgrading it with: Jet-Navy ESC (watercooled) and watercooled Motor...
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    BBY Oval Master 29

    Thanks guys. That helps a lot. Andrewg could I also run that 700 setup in the Oval Master 26"?
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    BBY Oval Master 29

    [font=Arial]Thanks everyone for the replies.   How long do you think the boat will run on 14-16cells? How can I get the boat to run for a longer period of time or is this even possible?[/font]
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    BBY Oval Master 29

    I really appreciate the quick responses, this board is great! To answer both of your questions I am not looking to race, but on the same note I do want to go fast and have fun in a fairly windy area (so some chop). I would like the boat to handle well and rip up the water, but not get out of...
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    BBY Oval Master 29

    Hi all- As I posted in my last message I am new to this sport so I am looking for some advise. I just have two quick questions: 1. What do you think I should run in a Carbon Fiber Oval Master 29 from BBY (Major Parts: motor, esc, prop, battery cells, etc...) Remember I am a beginner at fast...
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    Way off topic

    I agree with you these are ridiculous wheels, but I sure wish I had thought of inventing these. That company is going to make millions because of the Rap and Hip-Hop community. Ugly wheels but a lucrative business.
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    Beginners Help

    Hi all- I am brand new to the forum and to RC Boats. I have raced cars in the past and have also owned electric boats in the past. I am going to purchase a new Nitro Boat. Here are what I was thinking: 1. Aeromarine Laminates Mean Machine 2. Proboat Thunder 31...